White spot


TPF Noob!
Jul 26, 2011
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I have recently bought a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens for my D90. On most of my photos there is a white spot in the middle.


I didnt have any problems with my other lens, so I guess its not my cameras fault. Please can you help me what can cause this?

Thank you
I see a purplish-blue spot that looks like lens flare.
Thought it could be lens flare but theres really no sun and the spot is in the exact same position in every photo. Are you using any filters??
Thanks for the reply.

I dont use any filters.
Did the sensor get burned from a long exposure to the sun?

Take a photo in Manual with the lens cap on and see if it's still there.
If your lens is clean, no smudges/grease etc... I don't know, id return it. Was it like this right out of the box?
I have photos where the spot doesnt appear at all. The very first

The lens is 2 days old, right out of the box.

I have tried to take a photo with the cap on. Pitch black.
You know, I think I've seen a similar spot when I shoot with a very small aperture. Do you note that it's only visible when shooting stopped down?
I have checked all the photos with the spots. They are all f16.

Is that normal?
Take a series of shots, changing the shutter & aperture, to see if it's an aperture issue.

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