Wild Applause: Mish is now a Moderator! Get that whip ready, baby!

Methinks there's a conspiracy afoot. Terri is associated with BEATEN path. Mish has a whip. Bunny has a lightsaber (and was previously associated with a guy who liked to play with Photon Torpedos). Stach has a bunch of sharp things. AND now there's this Challenge thing.

All ya gotta do is connect the dancing dots. (cue in theme music from Jaws)

:raisedbrow: :biggrin:
Methinks there's a conspiracy afoot. Terri is associated with BEATEN path. Mish has a whip. Bunny has a lightsaber (and was previously associated with a guy who liked to play with Photon Torpedos). Stach has a bunch of sharp things. AND now there's this Challenge thing.

All ya gotta do is connect the dancing dots. (cue in theme music from Jaws)
:raisedbrow: :biggrin:
Yeah, but I've got a toothpick bigger than that lightsaber. I got it in a bar a few years ago and it's shaped like a sword!

Seriously, congrats to Manaheim and Mishele. A definite step in the right direction.
Thanks, Scott. :)
That could mean anything though.
Now that most of the mods are reading this thread... Is there anything that could be done about lame spammers like the above? They post nonsensical replies to a handful of threads (even more nonsensical than my posts, which is mind-boggling). If you hover your mouse over their emoticons or graphics, you'll realize that they hyperlink to some obscure site. Off with their heads?
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When you report them the mods see them... actually I think we even get email about them. Then Mish will randomly ban the wrong person, completely fixing the entire problem.


Yes, that's what I meant.
Fvcker!! At least I manned up and tried to fix the problem!! You ran away.
Mana stop making Mish man up! We don't need her manning up so much we have to start calling her him :p

It just generates all the wrong mental images when the whip comes out ;)

As for the spammers the image ones are just another breed of spammer, at present we remove them as fast as we can and normally with reports they are spotted very fast and removed. Quite why they bother is a mystery, but bother they do and sadly each time the forums gets new code to block them they find another way to slip in. Reports are highly valued (mods - despite our increasing numbers) can't see everything so the more that gets reported the better :)
That could mean anything though.
Now that most of the mods are reading this thread... Is there anything that could be done about lame spammers like the above? They post nonsensical replies to a handful of threads (even more nonsensical than my posts, which is mind-boggling). If you hover your mouse over their emoticons or graphics, you'll realize that they hyperlink to some obscure site. Off with their heads?
Thanks for quoting the SPAM. :lol:
That could mean anything though.
Now that most of the mods are reading this thread... Is there anything that could be done about lame spammers like the above? They post nonsensical replies to a handful of threads (even more nonsensical than my posts, which is mind-boggling). If you hover your mouse over their emoticons or graphics, you'll realize that they hyperlink to some obscure site. Off with their heads?
Thanks for quoting the SPAM. :lol:
Just wanted to do things differently, for a change :)

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