Will We One Day Exist As Data


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Mar 29, 2016
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Well, that's one way to cure the common cold.
House of Cards Season 6

Now this is still in the early stages, but we've been collecting and storing Raymond's memories, thoughts, quirks and tics.
This is a mock-up, But eventually this Raymond will feel as real as the one standing before you.

I like dirt and rocks and facts.
I trust only what I can hold in my hand or see on my horizon.
I've learned you've got to grab the present by the balls.
That's where the American people live.


The only future I'm interested in is the next four years.
So, yes, I'm selling tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
I'm selling a boy who used to live on a peach farm who now lives in the White House.
I'm selling a tomorrow that you can see and touch and feel.
Now, you take that away, and I don't know what this country has left.
Except a group of grown men standing around in a circle, all staring at a small screen.
Looking in instead of looking out.
Heck, give me a peck of dirt any day of the week.

Hear, hear.
To a peck of dirt.
Watched an interesting show last night where the belief is that we will one day have the ability to upload the human mind as data in the cloud.

Google futurist claims we will be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years | Daily Mail Online

That one day the physical body Will no longer exist, and the cloud being will become immortal.

Now I'm not saying I believe it, but it did make me a little uneasy. Comments?

Oh, it totally freaks me out, even though conceptually, I think I'd probably like it better than carrying around these stupid meat sacks that humans have to contend with. Way too much friggin' work to take care of these things.

I also tend to shake quite a bit of salt on anyone whose title is "Google futurist." Now there's a job description I would like to see! ;)
Does this mean that I would have to work forever?
Well, that's one way to cure the common cold.

Not necessarily free of illness as the show discussed the effects of a data virus. In the cloud if your data was corrupted would you seek to exist? I thought it was ironic that they discussed the need for government regulation and safety nets to protect the "virtual beings" in the cloud.
Another point which freaks me out a little. Science and religion have always been at odds with one side trying to prove the other wrong, but here's a thought, in Revelations it talks of a new Heaven and new earth, that is not on a physical plane. Could this actually be the future if mankind?

If so then I feel a little silly worrying about dieting. Might be time to bring on the chocolate, because in the cloud what's a few more bytes of data here and there:biggrin:
"Not necessarily free of illness as the show discussed the effects of a data virus. In the cloud if your data was corrupted would you seek to exist? I thought it was ironic that they discussed the need for government regulation and safety nets to protect the "virtual beings" in the cloud."

Great, then we will be sneezing pixel snot.
Another point which freaks me out a little. Science and religion have always been at odds with one side trying to prove the other wrong, but here's a thought, in Revelations it talks of a new Heaven and new earth, that is not on a physical plane. Could this actually be the future if mankind?

If so then I feel a little silly worrying about dieting. Might be time to bring on the chocolate, because in the cloud what's a few more bytes of data here and there:biggrin:

Hmmmmm, interesting...
Although, if "Heaven" is really just our minds being uploaded into the Great Server in the Sky, then everyone who has already died is essentially SOL. And all that talk about morals and following the commandments and worshiping God...that all basically ends up meaning absolutely nothing if the only criteria for getting into this "Heaven" is having the dumb luck of being born late enough for the technology to exist before you die so you can be uploaded, too.
Great, then we will be sneezing pixel snot.

That might depend on your color depth in the cloud, most likely though it would be "Bit Snot", unless the infection caused them to stick together then it might be "Byte Snot" :allteeth:
The Daily Mail being a tabloid, they'll write anything to get people to read it...

Watch some of the old Twilight Zone episodes... or old 60s movies with robots and space ships etc. - I can't believe some of the stuff they came up with. Of course it was meant as, well, twilight zoney fantasy, so wasn't meant to necessarily be real. So what's the reality of some of it today, it doesn't work right half the time... lol although we do have a lot of new medical technology etc. that has been an improvement over what used to be.
The Daily Mail being a tabloid, they'll write anything to get people to read it...

I just used it as an example of the story because it came up quick. How about this one, is it more down to earth???

The Quest to Upload Your Mind Into the Digital Space | Innovation | Smithsonian

or maybe this one from Standford?

Downloading Consciousness

The show pointed out that there is some reliance on the theory that computer technology would have to continue to expand at it's current rate.
I did see a special on TV (don't remember where, one of the network news magazine 60 minutes type shows I think) about people who no longer were able to use their hands and how they could manipulate or move something on the computer screen by thought thru some sort of electrodes attached to the brain.

Having been thru stroke recovery, I could relate. I remember them telling me to 'tell' my foot what to do, so if I mentally 'told' my foot to lift from the floor to the foot pedal there'd be a pause, and then it would do it. It was kind of cool. and makes you realize how amazing the brain is. When people actually use it that is! lol

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