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Will you please take the burrs out of this Kittie's tail?

Ron Evers

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 28, 2008
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In the country 60km north of Toronto, Canada
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It was so dark I was surprised I could get a focus. Shot with a Helios 58/2 & Vivitar 383 flash from about 25'. The image you see is about ¼ of the original frame. Gaud I like this lens.




I like, but I cannot make out the details in the blacks at all, especially on the first one. My monitor or just a tad dark?

Edit: Just checked, details in the blacks are lost on the skunk. Is that a berry its eatring in #1?
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I like, but I cannot make out the details in the blacks at all, especially on the first one. My monitor or just a tad dark?

Edit: Just checked, details in the blacks are lost on the skunk. Is that a berry its eatring in #1?

The black just eats up the light.

We put out our table scraps for the wild critters so it is likely a bone it's gnawing on from our supper.
25' away? Good thing it was distracted. A very sharp lens. Good Job:thumbup:

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