Wine and Water

Very nice! I am particularly fond of the ones with the mixing colors. Great execution.

Just as a though, have you considered flipping any of the images horizontally so that the compositions are more varied? This set has them all coming from the left side (and I am assuming it was the best way to have it set up for the shoot), but you might try just flipping one or two horizontally to give the viewer the idea that each shot was individual and unique in the set.

PS, how many lights did you use? Just one?
Thanks. Yeah I was wondering about the compositions. This was mostly an experimental run just to see if I could even do it. I'll probably try again and think more creatively about it. The way I had it set up it was a pain in the ass to reconfigure. I ghetto rigged it to the max...

I can take a photo of the setup tomorrow but yeah it was only one hot light behind the background, which was a $9 ironed white sheet strung up and clothes pinned between two chairs. two chairs lol
Great, I'm thirsty now and there's nothing cold... Thanks! jajajaja
Just kiddin', nice set. Liked them a lot!
Good morning bump! :D
Nice technicals on the majority of these...good exposure durations..nice background...good lighting on the glass ad the fluid...1,4,5,7,9 are all enjoyable (#3 is not showing up this AM--for all I know it could be a winner too!). For a ghetto-to-the-max setup, you got a lot of mileage out of this!

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