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winter abstract


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 18, 2010
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Thanks, Frequency. Actually this is the original RGB file with no adjustments to the color at all, but I removed a couple of tiny colored spots from the image. The whole image has a blue cast, so I put it in the bw gallery because it's essentially a toned bw.
I love this kind of stuff. Well done.
Thanks, Mendoza. It's always nice to find a fan of abstracts; most people just scratch their heads or say "what is it?" (the answer of course is "what do you want it to be?"). One time someone looking at a shot of a peeled-off sticker actually started trying to read the few little scraps of lettering on it.
Well, as to what this might be, my guess is: frozen puddle with not yet frozen water underneath the ice. I'm guessing so as my latest frozen puddle photo looks like this .
Well, as to what this might be, my guess is: frozen puddle with not yet frozen water underneath the ice. I'm guessing so as my latest frozen puddle photo looks like this .

OK, OK, I'll discuss what it actually was: salt crystallized on a black marble wall in Center City Philadelphia, about 1-2 feet from the ground. I walked around the city on Thursday after a lot of the snow had been cleared away and saw this just a couple of minutes after I came up from the train station.

So, seriously, how did it make you feel?
Texture is the best for all seasons. Good work!
One time someone looking at a shot of a peeled-off sticker actually started trying to read the few little scraps of lettering on it.

Sometimes such letterings/words/sentences there can add much irony to the image, making that a powerful one; why, sometimes the photographer expects the viewer to read them. So i think close inspection demands such perusals too ;) .

Regards :D
Great! I love it.
This is just remarkable, friend. I love this kind of stuff as well :D

I like it too!
Thanks, everyone! I'll post some more soon.
I can see Admiral Ackbar riding a unicorn, and a disgruntled looking grasshopper as well. Nice work.

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