Winter Surfing


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 8, 2011
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Santa Paula, Ca
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While everyone else is buried in snow, I headed out to the beach. It was pretty tricky shooting since the sun was peaking in an out of the overcast as it was setting...

Interesting. How warm is the Pacific waters around California in winter ?
Interesting. How warm is the Pacific waters around California in winter ?
Sometimes warmer than the air! In the winter it usually stays around 58-60F. Go up North 50 miles past Point Conception and it drops to the low 50s.
No kidding, California is that cold in the winter ? Water below 66F is a dangerous place. :D
I used to do a lot of work offshore around the Channel Islands. Thankfully over the water, not in it. In 60F water, without a wetsuit you're dead in a little over 3 hours. Hell, you'll go hypothermic in 80F water, it just takes longer!

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