Work Horses


TPF Noob!
Feb 28, 2007
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I'm really new to photography, so I really need advice on this. I was out with another photographer, who seems to be a wealth of information when it comes to dealing with exposure. My main goal was to expose everything properly, which I think I did. But I'm not to sure about the composition of this shot.

Is it just me, or does it leave you wondering what it is the subjects are doing?

Any and all advice welcome.

I think it's well exposed and good subject matter but the mirrored windows distract from the subject. IMO.
The exposure is on point. Problem is the pesky building. Maybe try shooting the sculpture at night. Maybe a couple of different angles. It is always tough photographing someone else's art like sculptures or paintings.
Thanks for the comments. I agree that the building is distracting. Not much I can do about that. Perhaps a night shot is in order.

I'll try it again with the different angles.

Golf?? No man, it's cricket.
Yeah I am left wondering. What are they doing?? I think this is because you cut off the rest of what is in there hands. But idk. also you should go into PS and burn the hotspots on the guys back, its the only part thats too over exposed. ( but that was unavoidable to properly expose the rest, nothing PS can't handle.) Next time I would just check the shot b4 u snap it or take a series of shots(it doesn't look like your subjects are moving anytime soon lol) Keep up the good work.

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