World Cup - Germany 2006!........>


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Jan 21, 2006
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well the time has come and i for one (maybe the only one?) am excited about this world cup. Obviously I want England to win...... but i'm looking forawrd to the other matches as well........ especially France........ i wouldn't normally say this, but we had a sweepstake in work today :mrgreen: and I had to pick two teams out of a hat and i got France and Costa Rica....... not as bad as some...... but one lucky bugger picked out England AND Brazil!!!

But i'd give up the money if England win........... Wayne Rooney (one of our better players) has been cleared by doctors to play in the tournament today, and i got a good feeling this time (as i do everytime before we mess it up :greenpbl: )....... so i hope you got your favs and are looking forward to it.

aside from England, i think Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, Argentina and Germany all have good chances of winning...... but there could be a dark horse like last time when south korea made the semifinals.

So who are you rootin for?......... make your predictions now!.....
I'm not really a huge fan of the sport but am definately looking forward to the world cup! I'm not really rootin for anyone yet but maybe I'll find a team to get behind once it starts.
wooooooo no predictions yet (im just not saying anything, we'll just have to watch)! but another one hooked to the sport... lol i was ready to go to germany for it.. but.. bah.. better on tv anyway ;)
Pooolllllaaaaaaanndddd... go Poland go!!!! woooohoooo! let's start the world cup!
I've got Brazil for the win in both pools that I'm in.

I don't really no crap about soccer and which teams are actually good.

I want England to win BAD. I'd love to be able to celebrate that in my lifetime.

But I'd also love to win a load of money, and with injuries and a crappy coach it doesn't look like England will take the win this time around.
people went crazy here... soccer is a national sport here :) so you can see the Polish flags in almost every window...even the tables and .. chairs in the pubs are booked coz fans are going to watch games in the bars.
Antarctican said:
Uhh, so, like, where does Canada stand in all this??


You didn't need the (j/k) part anty......... i knew you were joking :lol:
Archangel said:
You didn't need the (j/k) part anty......... i knew you were joking :lol:

Yeah, but others may not have known!

I'd take Brazil, England, Germany for the final 4. The other one could be a surprise.
Oh cool. Thanks Dimitri for putting Germany among your favourite four ... or for a team that should at least make it to the semi-finals. I myself am not so sure...
No flags in my village save in front of our next-door neighbour's house, but he has meanwhile taken down the Germany-flag again and replaced it by one that does not seem to represent any country at all. Good. Else: the odd car with flags flowing, otherwise out here in the country: nothing.
But tonight the streets will be swept clean of people for 90 minutes!
That might be a good moment for me to go out!?!?! ;)
Its has been crazy here in Holland. Orange is everywhere. Whole streets are colored orange. Looks pretty cool and stuff.
I hope that Holland wins, but im not sure they will. Ah well, just gonna enjoy the games (probably with a nice cold beer) and see what happens.
doenoe said:
Its has been crazy here in Holland. Orange is everywhere. Whole streets are colored orange. Looks pretty cool and stuff.
I hope that Holland wins, but im not sure they will. Ah well, just gonna enjoy the games (probably with a nice cold beer) and see what happens.

I have Holland in the final four for one of my pools. That home team (close enough) advantage is priceless.
well good luck everyone (but not really :greenpbl:..... ;) )... its about to start, and my second pools team costa rica are in the first match against the young german team...... i think im gonna loose this one :lol:
We should have done a "for fun" pool on the board.

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