"WW I Memorial (Atlantic City, NJ)"


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Aug 2, 2015
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GFX 100S
ISO 800
1/640 Sec.
GF 80mm f/1.7 R WR
63mm Equivalent
(Processed In LR & PS)

World War I Memorial (Atlantic City, NJ).jpg

I drove nearly 100 miles each way to capture this image. Unfortunately, I was not able to take the image in the manner in which I wished.

1st, I wanted to take the image from the park side but the trees were in the way (the branches need to be trimmed).

2nd, and most importantly the neighborhood was very sketchy so I left prior to getting dark (the memorial gets lit up at night and I really wanted a night shot).
3rd and lastly from where I took the shot was the safest spot to stand with the camera/lens combination I had - there was potentially another spot but that would of required a wider lens which I did not have with me.

Remember, Memorial Day is much more than hamburgers and hot dogs, we are able to enjoy the day and everyday in the United States Of America because of the fighting American man or woman who gave their all for you and me...!

Thanks For Looking.
Nice shot and well said.
Well said my friend

This is a good shot considering the things you had to work with. The only niggle I have is the perspective distortion caused by the angle of the shot and the odd angle street in front. The distortion is an easy fix in LR, on the street, I'd be tempted to do a foreground replacement, more fitting for the monument. Sad that the city planning commission didn't think this through a little better.

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