

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
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Feels like Velvia.

Nice to see you around here again. :)
I like the color and you did a great job on a tough exposure. Something about the composition and the shadow that distracts for me, can't quite put my finger on it.
Guys, without the shadow, it won't be an "X".

Abraxas, if you saw the "X" while you were out there and took this photo because if it, good job! I think you could have lowered your camera to align the clouds with the a little better, it will be even better.
Thank you all for commenting. The shadow is there because that is how the earth and sun work together. I liked the way the bottom portion of it continued the straight line with the formation coming down from the left. For me it was a complex exposure, in which could not be looked at in totality without the eyes adjusting to either the bright sunlight or deep shadow. In many of my compositions I like to have an edginess, slightly uneasy, or surreal product. A personal aesthetic.

Indeed, this is a well known, over-filmed location. There was a commercial film crew filming above me and to the left on the rock preventing me from getting the iconic shot that is typically taken here. I'm glad they were there. I like this shot better.

Here is a 360 shot I took 7-8 years ago. I was standing under the ledge in the formation featured at the beginning of the rotation.

Here is some more information on the location.

This was shot to kill some time as I was a couple hours early for an appointment I had about 35 miles away. Along with an informative visit with the park ranger discussing predawn access to the park, it all worked out perfectly.


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