XTI strobe flash?


TPF Noob!
Nov 29, 2007
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Sometimes when i am using my flash, it appears to flash very quickly on and off,. almost like a strobe. Is this normal, why is this happening?
That is the red eye reduction. It's a prefire to make the subjects pupils smaller to avoid redeye.
actually, it's the autofocus assist most likely...because I'm pretty sure the red-eye reduction feature is off by default. Could be wrong, though.

Anyways...mine only does it when it's trying to autofocus and my flash is popped up...(so barely ever)
it's AF assist (helping the camera focus in the dark) the red eye reduction is a small lamp to the right of the lens (right when holding the camera in shooting position looking at the back, but the light is on the front)
It could be any of 3 possibilities:

- TTL flash metering
- Autofocus assist
- Red eye reduction

Depending on what settings you have it on, it will "pre-flash" before the flash fires and the camera takes the pic. The red-eye reduction is the most obvious, it will quickly flash ~3 times before taking the pic.
hrmmm, i had auto focus on, and red eye reduction on. Its more than 3 flashes though, and especially prominent if it cant focus. So it must be the auto focus. Because if i half press the shutter and it cant focus, itll do it the whole time the shutter is half way down.
hrmmm, i had auto focus on, and red eye reduction on. Its more than 3 flashes though, and especially prominent if it cant focus. So it must be the auto focus. Because if i half press the shutter and it cant focus, itll do it the whole time the shutter is half way down.

Yup, that's it then. It's af assist.

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