Yellow inside photo's help!!!


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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Every single photo I take indoors comes out with a yellow tint . I tried everything but of course I am new to this so should I change any other settings? I already tried shooting in the different types of light settings such as wb: flourescent,tungsten,etc.I even took a picture of a grey card and used it as my custom setting and it is still doing it. I think I need a flash IDK so please any one help!!!!1
Can you provide examples, along with the EXIF info?
OK I understand what your saying . So take it under the same conditions as you are about to shoot correct? Ok I am gonna post a Picture in a bit.
i'm assumin it's coz of the lights and would say change the colour temp on your camera to around 3000k. That might help? *Feels unsure but smiles coz she feels slightly useful* lol
Its not a good shot this was just a snapshot trying to see what is going on so dont cc my grandchild just ugly yellow tint. Thanks
Oh "Shoot" starting a new thread for the Pic.
Looks like your WB is too warm. Make it cooler a bit.

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