You know you've been married forever when...


TPF Noob!
Oct 20, 2011
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It's been a LONG weekend. I just finished processing and posting about 400 wrestling images... My brain is fried.
Which is when I finally get a second to log into facebook. It's our anniversary. Neither of us knew it until Facebook told us.
Guess I am not getting jewelry or any fantabulous equipment or anything for it!
My wife and I were totally shocked several years ago when my Dad started a telephone conversation with "Happy Anniversary".
It's been a LONG weekend. I just finished processing and posting about 400 wrestling images... My brain is fried.
Which is when I finally get a second to log into facebook. It's our anniversary. Neither of us knew it until Facebook told us.
Guess I am not getting jewelry or any fantabulous equipment or anything for it!

OH, MY! THAT STORY is a DANDY!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for Facebook, huh?
It's been a LONG weekend. I just finished processing and posting about 400 wrestling images... My brain is fried.
Which is when I finally get a second to log into facebook. It's our anniversary. Neither of us knew it until Facebook told us.
Guess I am not getting jewelry or any fantabulous equipment or anything for it!

OH, MY! THAT STORY is a DANDY!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for Facebook, huh?
It's a really sad statement of the world today if my 40+ year old ass has to log into facebook to know what's going on in my life.

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