Your favourite camera(s) is ...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 4, 2008
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Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
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Probably many of you have gone through numerous imaging products over the many years (I will not say how many) ... and over this time there has been pieces of Photographic equipment that stuck with you ... it could be because of their excellent qualities ... or because you just liked it.

I have handled many camera's over the years ... some good some bad ... some just to have for no reason (I am not pointing at you collectors out there :lol:) ... but there have been some items that I just loved.

The most awesome (IMHO) camera I ever used was the Canon nF-1. I purchased the body only used for $670.00 back in 1989. After having many other 35mm SLRs' this was the ultimate (I was very sorry to lose it ... Damn you Digital !!!!)

Second place goes to my Olympus Pen S.
I loved shooting slides and mounting them in a full frame mount. I would find two shots that worked together to show side by side.

What's yours ?
My favorite up until a couple weeks ago was probably my Canonet. It seems most of my favorite photos that I put on flickr are from it.. or maybe my F100.. dunno, that camera just feels like an extension of my eye and shutter finger. They're both just such a joy to use.

..But, at the moment, the only camera i've been using the past couple weeks is my recently purchased Leica M6.. it's too early to tell if it will be my favorite, but at the moment it's my 'current' favorite..
Mine is a F4s which I've had for 20+ years. Amazing camera. A old Rolleiflex comes in a very close second as does my C330. I have more than a few older cameras but only shoot digital now.
I wore out a Nikon F4s between my college years and several after that. Shutter started to go on it after about 7 years of use. I could not even guess at how many rolls went through it, but it was alot. That was my only "Pro" model camera I have sprung for. I replaced it with a F100 that is about 9-10 years old now. I like the F100 and put it to some very good use. But for some reason that F4 really stuck with me. Although its not the original one. I have the very first camera I ever requested as a gift from when I was a kid think I was 7-8 that Christmas. I also have a hankering to buy a Pentax ME Super. That was the first 35mm camera I ever used. Was my fathers, and he let me use it on a trip to Disney. There was no way anyone was getting that camera out of my hands that trip :lol::lol:. I think I took about 20 rolls of film over a weeks time. Thats quite a bit for a 9-10 year old.

I also have a collection of working and shelf sitting cameras in my photo area. Of the working cameras I do use them occasionally. Even though they may be ugly (Nikon 4004 :D ), I still give them a workout on occasion. I am not very picky when I shoot. I still grab a D50 every now and then, even though I have newer more advanced cameras. I guess its just hard for me to let cameras go. :lol:
Minolta XD11 and Leica R4.

Nikon FE. It was my first camera and it is still my primary film camera. It follows me even when I plan to only take digital snaps with friends. Got some lovely drunken memories permanently burnt into film, and that focusing screen... oooh that focusing screen. The fact those drunken memories are in focus says a lot.

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