Your First Record


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 25, 2005
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What was the first record you ever bought and how old were you when you bought it? Post us a link to it on YouTube so we can see it!
I'll go first...

I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I think i got it from Woolworths. I still actually quite like the song and it takes me back every time i hear it played on the radio.

- The Bangles

Susanne Hoff (i think that's her name) is purdy too, which helps

now what are yours??? :) Share them, or else!!!
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artist: presidents of the united states of america

album: presidents of the united states of america

im not proud of this. lol.
I had a bunch of 45's when I was a kid. The first LP I bought was The Beatles "Hard Days Night". The next album I bought was because of the artwork on the cover, never heard of the band. Black Sabbath's debut album. From that day forward, I have never been the same.
so far so good, but i woud like to see them too! where are those links??? :grumpy:
1997. The album: David Bowie's Greatest Hits. I got it right before I went to college.

I don't count a greatest hits as an album, so next better: 1997. The album: Beck. Odelay. It's still one of my favorites.

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