Your Opinion on my Iceland picture


TPF Noob!
Mar 6, 2005
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What do you think?


i'v moved your pic into the 'landscape and nature' gallery..... ;)

good image btw, the sky is a little blown, but i like the reflection alot :thumbup:
Oh, how I like the greens as opposed to the cool bluish colours!
I think both the coolness of the blues and the green say "Iceland" to me all the way. You captured it well! AND you had the benefit of nice weather. From what I hear this is not ALWAYS to be had in Iceland.
great shot although its a bit noisy, maybe try runing it through a noise reduction program like noiseware or noise ninja
I think you could have gotten away with at least a 1/2 stop less exposure overall, (maybe even 1 stop) which would have helped the sky. Also, a grad neutral density filter would have really helped. The composition is very nice.
LaFoto said:
Oh, how I like the greens as opposed to the cool bluish colours!
I think both the coolness of the blues and the green say "Iceland" to me all the way. You captured it well! AND you had the benefit of nice weather. From what I hear this is not ALWAYS to be had in Iceland.

thx for your feedback.... and yeah! the weather in iceland is very strange, you can have the 4 seasons in one day no kidding! I cycled around the island for about a month, but I got lucky and got some very nice days. I'm building a website with all my pictures and a little resume of my trip. Ill post the link when it's done.

... for matt. I used a polarizing filter for this one.

... for D-50. this picture is actualy a print/film, but I had it processed on a cd so I dont think it very accurate. Thx for your adviced tho, i didn't know about those programs. I'll make sure to look it up

thx you all again :-)
Looks like it's a recent trip, is it? You were so lucky to have such a perfect weather. As a panorama photo, I think it looks fantastic.

I'd refresh my memory on Iceland. Where is this wonderful place exactly? Thanks in advance!
tsienni said:
Looks like it's a recent trip, is it? You were so lucky to have such a perfect weather. As a panorama photo, I think it looks fantastic.

I'd refresh my memory on Iceland. Where is this wonderful place exactly? Thanks in advance!

It was in Höfn in front of the camp ground. (in front of my tent as well :-) )
i'm only seeing a little red x right now, but i looked at last night and forgot to comment... i enjoyed it a lot, the reflection and colors are beautiful... tfs... :thumbup:
Nice! The sky is a bit blown yes, but i wasnt really looking at the sky, what wonderful scenery :) Good that you put a foreground in the shot (the grass at the bottom), it gives a sense of space. Well done

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