Zooography ;) C&C please


TPF Noob!
Aug 20, 2010
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Omg sorry they are all in a line , i must not have spaced them ! nm i think i fixed it lol !
I agree about the too much in PP , He was just in the shade so much that it was soo dark , this one in praticular is thru the chaink link , i like the crop on the last one but that may be cause this practicualr tiger was been such a charcater that i got a bunch of him lol Thanks Dan i apperciate your help !
I agree about the too much in PP , He was just in the shade so much that it was soo dark , this one in praticular is thru the chaink link , i like the crop on the last one but that may be cause this practicualr tiger was been such a charcater that i got a bunch of him lol Thanks Dan i apperciate your help !

I like that one too. I would like to see selective coloring on his eyes.
I agree about the too much in PP , He was just in the shade so much that it was soo dark , this one in praticular is thru the chaink link , i like the crop on the last one but that may be cause this practicualr tiger was been such a charcater that i got a bunch of him lol Thanks Dan i apperciate your help !

I like that one too. I would like to see selective coloring on his eyes.

Oh I have put that into my brain before , I will do it later and post it back up !!
i really like the last one, i love the crop in it, makes him look more vicious, like if he is hunting something.
I'm pleasantly surprised. I figured, ok, zoo shots, I'll see some fairly far off animals doing boring stuff.


These are all quite good. I love the expressions on the animals. Too bad #2 had such a bright background. It makes it really hard to see.

Interesting compositions. Good work! :thumbup:
I'm pleasantly surprised. I figured, ok, zoo shots, I'll see some fairly far off animals doing boring stuff.


These are all quite good. I love the expressions on the animals. Too bad #2 had such a bright background. It makes it really hard to see.

Interesting compositions. Good work! :thumbup:

Thanks And i totally understand about 2 he was in the shadows , so i edited it alot pp the shadows where extremly harsh before
Love # 4 but im partial to giraffes :)
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I agree about the too much in PP , He was just in the shade so much that it was soo dark , this one in praticular is thru the chaink link , i like the crop on the last one but that may be cause this practicualr tiger was been such a charcater that i got a bunch of him lol Thanks Dan i apperciate your help !

I like that one too. I would like to see selective coloring on his eyes.

Selective coloring = instantly cheesy picture. ESPECIALLY on eyes, that's been done thousands of times.
Either ditch or improve the watermark. I found myself focusing more on the watermark than anything else. Not only does it stand out like crazy, it's just a generic script font ANYONE can find and put in a text box.

Annoying watermark aside, nice photos.
I agree with LCARS, nice to see something a little different in the zoo photography line. C&C per req:

1. Since I'm always saying that you should have subjects looking toward you, I probably shouldn't like this one, but I rather do. I think the pensive sort of look in his (her?) face is rather good, and makes for an interesting and unique image. It might be worth trying to tone down the background a little though, as it is rather bright.

2. This one is a take it now or it's gone forever sort of image, so it's hard to say much about it, but the bright highlights and distracting background do take away from what otherwise would have been a really neat capture. Watch your focus, as the eyes are a little soft here.

3. I wonder if he flosses every day? Again, neat, but I would have prefered to see more 'gator. His skin is a bit dark, and I think perhaps metering for that would have helped.

4. Hmmmm... interesting, but I'm afraid I'm not getting a lot from this image. I think the under-exposed subject and blown background are working against each other. If you're camera is able to spot-meter, this would have been the time to use it.

5. Soooooo close; once again just missed focus by that >< much! It's a shame because this is a really neat image; to me, his (her?) face has very human qualities.

Overall, nice shots! I think two things to really concentrate on are: Getting your focus correct, and trying different exposure/metering modes to become more adept at dealing with scenes such as #4.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.


Ps. I see nothing wrong with your watermark. It's small, unpretentious and doesn't block out large portions of the image.
Thank you Tirediron , I agree completly with all of your CC ! and I like my watermark too , its just there becuase i posted them on FB and i thought it might be smart to protect them even if just a lil bit , im not professional or even close so i dont really think a watermark is nessecary for me but like i said just attempting to protect them !

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