Arizon sun and cacti mix


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2005
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We went to Arizona for Thanksgiving (where our camera broke unfortunately - fell from the truck as we were shooting a moving sunset) and got some great shots:




Hope you like them - we do.​
love the composition and sky in #3 :thumbup: , sorry to hear about your camera though :cry: , that's not fun! What part of arizona were these taken in? we went to san diego a couple years ago, and stayed in a B&B in Julian. I heard a pretty devastating wildfire wiped them out though :(, it was such a beautiful place... Sea World was awesome!
They were taken at and around Superstition Mountain - SE of Phoenix. We loved it there - thought it was more picture-esque than Sedona (although the weather was cloudy when we were there so the light was crap; need a good day to be sure).

Julian has regrown and is beautiful again - nature has a way or returning thankfully. Where else do you recommend in Arizona? Done Phoenix, Dateland and Sedona so far (only had 4 days available last time, and one of those was Thanksgiving) - need to see more?
Cool shots Megip. Welcome to the forum too!!!
i like the highlights on the cactus in 1 & 2 and that sky in the last is awesome!
Megip said:
Julian has regrown and is beautiful again - nature has a way or returning thankfully. Where else do you recommend in Arizona? Done Phoenix, Dateland and Sedona so far (only had 4 days available last time, and one of those was Thanksgiving) - need to see more?
glad to hear Julian is rebounding, we've had our share of wildfires too.

From the Superstitions there is a nice drive on the "Apache Trail" that travels along three lakes - best in the spring for wildflowers. Sedona is one of the more touristy spots, but definitely pretty, Oak Creek has some nice hikes just North of there, then there's the Flagstaff area, pretty during the fall and winter. Grand Canyon is only about an hour from there, wouldn't want to miss that being so close...

Tucson is pretty much a hole, but Sabino Canyon is really nice and has a series of 7 large waterfalls (by large I mean taller than me ;) ) it's a seven mile hike with as many water crossings but worth it. Organ Pipe National Monument is nearby. Kartchner caverns is south of tucson, really neat but they won't let you take photos :grumpy: .

My favorite area is up in the white mountains. i live in the desert, so pine/aspen forests, ferns, rivers & lakes are like a dream. We spend at least a week in the springerville area every year. best in late summer when its too hot in the deserts.

probably more than you wanted to know, huh? :mrgreen:
No, that's perfect. I always think too much information is better than too little - with too much you're spoilt for choice, but with too little you're often sat twiddling your thumbs waiting for ideas to come. Thanks (I copied your post for future reference).
JTHphoto said:
Tucson is pretty much a hole, but Sabino Canyon is really nice and has a series of 7 large waterfalls (by large I mean taller than me ;) ) it's a seven mile hike with as many water crossings but worth it.

HEY, Tucson isn't a hole! i take offence to that, it's more like a really big vally, with nothing to do.
duck4321 said:
HEY, Tucson isn't a hole! i take offence to that, it's more like a really big vally, with nothing to do.

LOL, same difference ;) . i lived there for 4 years so I think I'm qualified to call it a hole. i know other people that love it - still not really sure why though. I think it just has to do with what part of the city you live in. I miss sabino canyon and mt lemmon, but that's about it.

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