Canon 50D Announced

I like the multiple levels of sRAW. 15 MP is too much for a lot of applications...8MP is actually plenty or resolution for what most people need. Previous cameras had sRAW but it was 4 MP...which is too small.
and I die a little bit more inside

Same here. It seems as if Canon keeps aiming for the "beginner" audience. (I'm not trying to put anyone down, just sorta tricky to word it properly). Face-detection, HDMI for HD, IMO just gimmicks to attract those who are just starting out and the have the money. If Canon wants to compete with the D700 or even D300, I think they should get that AF to 51 point or something greater than 9, up the fps just a tad more, and aim for lower noise. Oh well, just my 2 cents.
No kidding.

Looking at the specs, it seems to be basically a D300 that's not sealed, neutered AF, 3 more MP, and can shoot at ISO 12,000 (I bet it looks flat-out horrible with a 15MP APS-C sensor, 25000 at 12MP on a 35mm sensor looks bad).


The 5DmkII would have been a better move considering how amazing the D700 is.

Quote from
"A newly designed 15.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor delivers ultra-detailed, low-noise images – ideal for large-scale reproduction or creative cropping. New manufacturing processes, plus redesigned photo diodes and microlenses, extend the light gathering capabilities of the sensor – allowing more pixels to be fitted on the CMOS sensor without compromising image quality. These changes ensure improved high ISO performance and low noise. High-speed, low light shooting is enabled by ISO levels of 3200, expandable to an ultra-sensitive 12800."

3rd picture...
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Same here. It seems as if Canon keeps aiming for the "beginner" audience. (I'm not trying to put anyone down, just sorta tricky to word it properly). Face-detection, HDMI for HD, IMO just gimmicks to attract those who are just starting out and the have the money. If Canon wants to compete with the D700 or even D300, I think they should get that AF to 51 point or something greater than 9, up the fps just a tad more, and aim for lower noise. Oh well, just my 2 cents.
They arent "aiming" for the beginner audience. You dont have to use those features. Its all about money, the more features, the more people like the cameras, a bunch of small features doesnt always mean a more expensive camera. Look at the price of the 50D when it came out to the 40D when it came out. Not a huge difference...

Again, not aiming for a beginner audience, only a bigger audience
I personally hope that this news causes a nice price drop in the 40D, since that is what I will be buying. I don't see anything in the 50D that would make me want it over the 40D, except maybe the new processor. If this can drop the 40D body down to $700-800, I will be a happy camper!
I doubt it would drop that much, that means teh XSi would have to drop, its already like $800 and its fairly new, so it wont really drop...
I agree. From what I seen so far. Canon USA itself will not drop the price that much. But some retailers may do so to clear some of their old stocks and it is nothing to do with the Canon pricing structure. (Like the last Circuit City clearance price for 30D kit was about $400 as shown in their system)

Just take an example, Ritz had some 30D for sales few weeks ago for around $700. So I do not expect 40D will drop to $700 to $800 in the next 6 months to a year.
I think though the features they add are more aimed at the middle level to beginner photographer - rather than aimed at the more advanced and demanding. I am not saying I cannot ignor features I do not intend to use (I can easily ignor half the mode wheel - takes nothing) but I would like to have the option of more advanced features for those who are looking to go to the next level - and would have thought a midrange camera would offer these things.
I think they are just adding it just for more people to buy it. Its not aimed at a perticular audience, I think it is just a coincidence because as technology goes along, more and more bells and whistles will be added, with little to no price change. Its better for canon to have it than to not have it. Not to mention they will learn better and develop new cooler technologies for us to play with :) The more the better!
This new camera apparently has face recognition capability...a feature that is prominent in point & shoot digicams. That's probably not something a pro would ask for...but who knows, it might be useful.
Not aimed at the pros. Why does Canon insist on adding garbage to the camera. Better basic performances would be better for the photographer. Guess it all boils down to making money. More and more people that do nothing but take snap-shots are buying bigger and better cameras to look better than the "Jones'" on the soccerfield sidelines. I am extremely happy with my 40D, but thought the 50D (which I wasn't expecting out yet) would be a very significant upgrade...wrong.

So I sit here idley awaiting the 5D successor. And please Canon.....leave the point and shoot bells and whistles out of the next 5D.

Wouldn't Canon's competitor to the D700 be their 5D follow-up?

I'm impressed that they included things like the weather-sealing, the customized menu, and the spot removal via location registration. Also, as expected, has the dirt shake-off for cleaner sensors (which doesn't work) and LiveView, which rocks when shooting landscapes and architecture.

I don't like cropped sensors, but it looks like a good feature set.

Yes, I got confused... I replied late, I thought it was the FF replacement. My bad.
Guess it all boils down to making money.
Doesn't it always? :er:

I am extremely happy with my 40D, but thought the 50D (which I wasn't expecting out yet) would be a very significant upgrade...wrong.
I'd say that a new sensor and a new processor is a significant upgrade.
Remember that the 'upgrade' from the 20D to the 30D was mostly cosmetic...same sensor, same processor, same AF etc. The jump to the 40D was very significant and while the jump to the 50D may not be as big, it's certainly bigger than the 20D->30D step.
Not aimed at the pros. Why does Canon insist on adding garbage to the camera. Better basic performances would be better for the photographer. Guess it all boils down to making money. More and more people that do nothing but take snap-shots are buying bigger and better cameras to look better than the "Jones'" on the soccerfield sidelines. I am extremely happy with my 40D, but thought the 50D (which I wasn't expecting out yet) would be a very significant upgrade...wrong.

So I sit here idley awaiting the 5D successor. And please Canon.....leave the point and shoot bells and whistles out of the next 5D.


Looks like a good upgrade to me! Higher MP without loss of quality...sounds good to me! Newly redesigned sensor, better processor... higher resolution screen, Higher ISO performance, better "environmental sealing", AF microadjustments... etc a 50D could easily be a pro camera, same with a 40D... Dont say its not aimed at a "pro" just because the upgrades arent what you wanted, its still an excellent camera.

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