Do they make filter... "adapters?"


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2009
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If I have a collection of 62mm filters, and am buying a lens that's a 58mm, do they make a converter so I can use the other filters on my lens?

I have everything in 62mm... and would like to be able to use them.

Edit: I see the step up filters. What about step down? Would it be okay to use a 58mm filter on a 62mm opening?
Yes, you need a steup up ring from 58 to 62mm. Cost between $10-$20 deppending on where you order from.

For the step down you may get vignetting. From 62-58 its only 2mm to each side so may not be noticeable. Really deppends on the focal length.
Also, its far better to not consider these as "filter adapters", but instead think of them as "lens filter ring adapters". This is because the standard terms, stepup and stepdown, refer to what they do to the lens' filter size and not what they do for the filter. A stepdown ring doesn't make a big filter fit a smaller lens thread; it makes a big lens thread accept a smaller filter; it steps down the lens' filter thread. Likewise, a step-up ring steps a small lens' thread to allow it to accept a larger filter.

As already mentioned, step down rings very ofter cause vignetting, particularily with wide angles. Its generally better to buy filters in the larger size and use step-up rings on the lenses with the smaller filter threads.

Step-up rings are withouth their problems. The very often prevent you from using the proper lens hood.

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