Dog Fight Over Geneseo


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2004
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Brooklin, Ontario, Canuckia
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This is just a glimpse into my weekend. I had an excellent weekend at my favourite airshow and this is just one of the many exceptional images I captured over the weekend. It was a very successful two days. These are replica World War One era fighters and we did two Dawn Patrols over the weekend. One motive was to shoot some dog-fight sequences and the other was to wake the pilots up as we over flew where they were sleeping at 5:30am :evil:


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WOW that is the shiz right there

very well done what were you flying in??
This is a photo of the aircraft that I shot the dog fight sequence out of. I sat in the back and it was a little cold first thing in the morning.


The aircraft is Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and there is no mercy from the wind so the image stabilized helped.

Some more captures from the Dawn Patrol





This was shot later in the day during the actual airshow. A German Fokker D.VII is shooting us down hence the smoke emanating from my aircraft. The aircraft to the right is an allied Se5a fighter that will eventually shoot down the Fokker. Needless to say this was tons of fun. There are seven aircraft in total at the time of the dog fight.

Back to editing, again

The first one rocks!
Thanks, it was a pleasure to capture these. I want a job where I can do this every weekend.

These guys recreate World War One dog fights and I wanted to convey that in the photos instead the regular air-to-air profile shots. We had a great time and I flew with them three times over the weekend. Put in six flights in total at the show and just had a blast. My body is killing me now because of all the positions I had to get into and the forces from holding the cameras. For these shots I had a body harness and was anchored to the floor of the aircraft. I could stand right up and look over the side. We were doing around 110mph so the windblast was pretty good.

Well all I can say Eric is that you must have one very tall tripod :lol: :lol:


Aviation porn of the highest quality
"...tall tripod", indeed. Boy! These are SO cool.
Your air-to-air photography will fascinate me always, but these vintage planes and the early morning light are such a lovely extra to the whole (though you may have found it a very COLD extra ;), but here at my desk, I don't feel it so much ;) ;) ;).
Impressive series Eric, looks like alot of fun. These turned out awesome and I think you achieved what you wanted very well.

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