First shots


TPF Noob!
Oct 12, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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Just got into photography as a hobby, any feedback is appreciated!


picture #1&3 are under exposed and i cant really tell what the subject u are trying to point out in #2
now on the other hand now on the other hand i think that id u had that better lighting in picture #3 it would be a nice shot
and in #1 lighting and play with the rule of thirds a bit and u should be on ur way
Glad to hear you picked up photography. What camera are you using?

#1 has great composition, I really like whats going on in the background in this photo. Only thing I would do is most definitely bump up the exposure and that will help this shot a lot.

#2 This photo has amazing colors but doesn't have any real subject for the viewer to focus on. All I really see is just a wall of brush nothing really interesting.

#3 Everything in this photo is out of focus and underexposed. Use a higher Fstop to get that whole range of detail out of the landscape, I would also recommend using a tripod to help supress that camera shake. One last thing go out on a clear sky, A nice pretty sky really makes or breaks the whole landscape. The whole photo could be in perfect focus and looks nice, but if the sky is just a sheet of grey it really makes the photo "bla".
Thanks for the comments. I photoshopped the 1st and 3rd pics, just to bring out the colors. Definitely need to work on the sky. But, its all a learning experience. The 2nd one I wasnt really going for anything.

Im using a Canon Rebel XSi with the stock 18-55mm lens. Just ordered 2 tamron lenses, a 28-80mm and a 70-300mm.

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