Forgot to Read the Terms and Conditions


TPF Noob!
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
New Jersey (We don't bite)
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
EDIT- Please don't mind my immature comments below from me. I have commented Competico for my photo to be removed from the contest. Thanks to all for helping me realize my temporary stupidity.


I'm in a photo contest on (in my sig) and I've been mercilessly promoting my photo on Facebook, Competico, and in my sig here on TPF. Trouble is, I just read the T&C. You have to be over 18:drool:.

The prize is $420.00 USD and I think I have a serious chance at winning. Is the age requirement simply a technicality? My father and I share a name so we're thinking of just having him do any signing that needs to be done.

My question is this: can we get into any serious legal trouble for doing this? Can Competico sue us or anything nasty like that? Has anyone ever just said they fit a certain requirement and walked off scott-free? Mods, if this belongs in the off Topic forum, please move it. This $420.00 prize has come a tad too close for me to just toss it away.


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If you win-

I'm pretty sure they're going to want to see some kind of ID.

If your dad claims it as his and collects the money I don't think they would ever find out. Unless, of course, they see this thread - lol!
Hello thur,
Iam na agent fur Compteico, Iis reported yuu
you be sued ma frind

Jks ofcourse :p
The most the would do is Disqualify you...
Never Accept terms of any type without reading them,
when google chrome came out, Part of the term was, everything posted online using Google chrome then belonged to google...
Meaning if you posted your images anywhere then google can use them for whatever they wanted and you cant sue them, Why? You accepted the legal agreement that anything you upload using their browser is theirs.
Remember to read all T&C and policies...
it is a good habbit to get into.
dont ever be rushed to enter/ sign something, take your time, read it then review it.

It isnt fair competition though... It lets you vote just now and the competition isn't finished with entries... so you have a better chance of winning if you enter early... that is wrong.
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Oh, I almost forgot - You will burn in Hell for LYING!!! :lmao:

If that's cool with you, no problem.


I know some people won't think that's funny....
They probably don't think many things are funny.
Oh, I almost forgot - You will burn in Hell for LYING!!! :lmao:

If that's cool with you, no problem.


I know some people won't think that's funny....
They probably don't think many things are funny.

There will be a funeral for Honesty this Saturday morning. Apparently it was on the endangered species list and now the last remaining known member of the species is extinct.
Oh, I almost forgot - You will burn in Hell for LYING!!! :lmao:

If that's cool with you, no problem.


I know some people won't think that's funny....
They probably don't think many things are funny.

There will be a funeral for Honesty this Saturday morning. Apparently it was on the endangered species list and now the last remaining known member of the species is extinct.

:( But..But.. It's for a macro lens!
Oh, I almost forgot - You will burn in Hell for LYING!!! :lmao:

If that's cool with you, no problem.


I know some people won't think that's funny....
They probably don't think many things are funny.

The Devil's gettin' pretty strict these days. Eternal damnation for lying to a corporate company? Does this bloke have a quota to fill or something?:lol:
More likely than not you will have no problems. However if they find out that it was your photo there is a tiny possibility they could charge you with fraud.

But they are more likely to disqualify you than to charge you(to much paperwork)
Unless Dad has some deep pockets they won't take you to court. But, then again, they don't have to. They can just let the State persue a complaint court. All they have to do is sign a complaint with the Law.

Quit pushing the easy button and do right thing, withdraw your entry, $420 is chicken feed.
Unless Dad has some deep pockets they won't take you to court. But, then again, they don't have to. They can just let the State persue a complaint court. All they have to do is sign a complaint with the Law.

Quit pushing the easy button and do right thing, withdraw your entry, $420 is chicken feed.

I'm 14. $420 is nothing to scoff at my age (assuming I understand your term). We certainly don't have deep pockets in the Garber household but what are the true odds that they would bring us to court for $420.00?
Ahh, well in that case it's fine to cheat and lie.

What hell is up with you two??? If I win, I win. It's not like I have a friggin' unfair advantage by being younger. I understand it's a lie, but cheating? I don't agree with you there. It's lying to a major company. People lie all the time. A boost for my photography sounds a bit more worthy of a lie then, eg; the crap on Wall St. Keep in mind that I'm 14. I don't have some saving account outside of a college fund with that kind of money in it.
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You broke the rules = Cheating.

It really doesn't get any more cut and dry than that. :lol:

What did you expect? You came here on a public forum, spilled your story and then you wanted everyone to say it's OK?

Take it out on me though if it makes you feel better, I really don't care :D

You trying to justify it now just makes it that much worse.
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You do realize that major corporations are subject to a lot more scrutiny, don't you? They probably have that in their rules not because they believe that a younger photographer might have an unfair advantage, but because it might be... you know... illegal for them to give away a prize money to an underaged?

Drinking age is 16 over here. It's not like a 14 year old will turn purple and blow up for ingesting a beer. It's just that it's against the law. It's not you who'll get into trouble, it's the seller.

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