Hello from florida


TPF Noob!
Sep 30, 2014
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi everybody,

My name is laurent, I'm french and I live in jacksonville, Fl.

I'm very active on a french forum but I finally take the shoot to try an internationnal forum. I'm going to apologize for my english every 2 lines, so if I seem rude on your post it's just because I don't know how to say something but it's not my purpose to be rude!

I started photography 4 years ago. I work with a sony A77 and most of the time a tamron 17-50 f2.8. I do mainly landscape.

See you in the forum!
Welcome to the forum!!!
In about 2-3 months when it's crazy cold up north here, I'm going to come down and stay with you. It's part of the forum rules. ;) You must host a Moderator during the winter months. lol
Arf, I knew I had to read the "term and conditions" before signing up! So if it's the rule, I cannot do anything else than accept!
That is correct!! haha I'll PM you the dates I'll be coming down!!:boogie::biglaugh:
Welcome! I'm from South Florida. :)
Hello and welcome to the forum...
Welcome to the site.
Thanks all of you for your welcome!!!
TPF Party in Florida??? hahha


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