ID this film!


TPF Noob!
Feb 23, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello, wondering if anyone can help identify what type of film was used for the photos below. Thank you!
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Unfortunately, TPF doesn't permit the posting of images to which you don't hold rights. Accordingly, I've removed them from your OP. Feel free to add links to specific images if you wish.

As far as your question goes, it would be very difficult to tell what kind of film, or even if they are film images at all.
send them a message and ask :)

My guess is that its all digital with presets added in post processing to give it the specific look that it has
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SoulfulRecover said:
send them a message and ask :)

My guess is that its all digital with presets added in post processing to give it the specific look that it has

I looked at about 20 of the images that had a lot of bright highlights and some of the shots that were done in backlight with no fill...they are digital captures. The indoor, soft-light stuff, like the pastries and the woman picking up the macaroon--obviously. The deep DOF close-up shots with no grain but still having good resolution? Kind of a tip-off that it's digital. Go here, and try the Agfa Optima film preset look.Nikon Picture Control Editor
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Possible to take photos on film and scan and edit/process but some of these show obvious digital editing (added fake flare on one, sharpening, etc.).

I agree, probably film inspired or edited to try to emulate photos taken on film (which to me doesn't usually actually look like photos shot on film and wet prints made).

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