
Scott WRG Editor said:
If you could live forever (never age, never get injured), would you? If so, why? If not why?

For a really well reasoned answer to that look in thread "Huh?"
i think there should be some criteria for who gets immortality
and i dont think it should be publicly announced
im nto pretending to be elitist or anything (id prolly not win that lotto)
but can u imagine if bubba the trailer master or his ilk was to be blessed with eternal life? what would they contribute

and yes i do firmly believe some peopel are a waste of space and our souls not withstanding have no reason to continue existing and beside that where would we all fit?

all that said
i would want to live forever just to see how humanity ends up
Nope, I wouldn't want to live forever. Then life wouldn't be an adventure. You wouldn't really look forward to things as much. They wouldn't mean as much. If you were immortal, you would take the little things that mean the most for granted. I firmly believe that the little things are what make the world go round.
Scott, you keep coming up with these philisophical questions and make us think! :)
Nah, I don't want to live forever. I think the life span we're given makes us what we. Speaking for myself, it took me some time to live my life without regret. I think to look at the possibity of eternal life makes one rethink all previous decisions and beliefs. No thanks!
I wouldnt wnat to live forever ..
most certainly if it were just me. if my family and friends werent granted it..
then yeah, i dont think id want to be around when they were all gone.
core_17 said:
Nope, I wouldn't want to live forever. Then life wouldn't be an adventure. You wouldn't really look forward to things as much. They wouldn't mean as much. If you were immortal, you would take the little things that mean the most for granted. I firmly believe that the little things are what make the world go round.

Couldn't agree more. I think one of the great things about mortality is that it does help you to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life.
The only reason I would want to live forever is being able to travel everywhere in the Universe and discover other worlds. Would love to be able to see each star and planet there is. Would love to be a part of the distant future, somehow.
gecko said:
that was my thought mitica
but then i asked myself who was i to get that honor?

The most important and unique person in the Universe, you! Not to worry, it will not happen. :lol: But it would be nice if it did!
yeah but i suppose if there was such a system of reward, then if you didnt think about the ramifications u wouldnt get it

i mean im in college right now, and 90% of these kids dont care about cause and effect or about anyone but themself
id like to think im better than to be like that
gecko said:
but can u imagine if bubba the trailer master or his ilk was to be blessed with eternal life? what would they contribute
This is why immortals cannot propagate. Immortals must be created, either by another immortal (vampire, warewolf, etc) or other universal force........

You guys need to watch more TV, then you'd know that all these questions have already been answered. Just a few Highlander episodes will do and maybe a few vampire flicks :wink:
I agree with Gecko, if the world blew up, or was enslaved by aliens...
Imagine being a slave for the whole of etternity.

Also...if you got trapped, youd just stay there.

say a rock fell on you in the woods, or you were crushed by a huge waterfall, youd just be stuck there.

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