Instagram in a Nutshel

I can't believe you bought a Canon and wtf has it got to do with hipster

My father bought a Canon close to 40 years ago, and that was my first ever SLR. The hipster comment was sarcastic, but clearly you missed that.

You know that saying "If you don't have nice things to say, then don't say anything at all?" Maybe you should learn to read so you can read that statement and heed its lesson.

No didn't miss it, get some film in it you may enjoy it more than digital

I do have a roll of Ilford 400 in it, but don't shoot it that much so I haven't even shot all 36 yet. We'll see what I get once I get it processed.

No didn't miss it, get some film in it you may enjoy it more than digital

I do have a roll of Ilford 400 in it, but don't shoot it that much so I haven't even shot all 36 yet. We'll see what I get once I get it processed.

HP5 ?
Y'know - forget about all the advice for getting good shots. if you were a REAL hipster, you'd be shooting a Holga and shooting film dunked in hot water and dried out before loading it into the camera. Because you know, big blotchy spots on a poorly-composed picture of a fire hydrant is kewl.
Y'know - forget about all the advice for getting good shots. if you were a REAL hipster, you'd be shooting a Holga and shooting film dunked in hot water and dried out before loading it into the camera. Because you know, big blotchy spots on a poorly-composed picture of a fire hydrant is kewl.

Well, there go my hopes of being kewl and hipster.

But I do have a Leica IIIc with a wonky shutter, and I think it still has film from the 1980's in it. Could be Kodacolor 64 or Tri-X. Can't remember. Maybe I should use that. Now to figure out whether a scarf or goatee are required accouterments. The first I've got, the second is subject to the approval of my wife.
Y'know - forget about all the advice for getting good shots. if you were a REAL hipster, you'd be shooting a Holga and shooting film dunked in hot water and dried out before loading it into the camera. Because you know, big blotchy spots on a poorly-composed picture of a fire hydrant is kewl.

Dunked in hot water? That's so mainstream!

This is truly hipster...dunking your film in your urine....
Photographer Soaks Film in Urine For Magical, Interesting Images
Paul, that actually reminds me of when my brother-in-law handed me his entire Spotmatic kit about 1 - 1.5 years ago. Okay, it's no Leica, but it was still a pretty nice kit. It had been sitting in the camera bag for so long that the foam lining of the bag was disintegrating. There was still film in the camera. There was a roll of Kodachrome 64 in the bag, but he had no idea if another of the same was loaded or if it was Tri-X. So I just shot the rest of the roll - there were maybe 10-12 shots left. Turned out it was Tri-X. Got it developed and got 2 keepers! So go find a fedora and shoot up that film in the Lecia! :D

Day 132 - Rooster
by limrodrigues, on Flickr

Day 132 - Dog
by limrodrigues, on Flickr
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Dunked in hot water? That's so mainstream!

This is truly hipster...dunking your film in your urine....
Photographer Soaks Film in Urine For Magical, Interesting Images

I have a photo book that has prints that were made with various body fluids. And I heard urine could possibly be used as a fixer. Between my homemade Caffenol and urine, at least I know how I'm going to develop and print pictures after the zombie apocalypse ;)

Interesting...certainly changes my thoughts on purchasing a used film camera...I looked through her pictures and it looked like she had to come up with a gimmick to get exposure anyway, I mean, how many times can you take a picture of yourself jumping around on a rock before people get tired of it?

See commercial copy below...
Got too many of the same shot? Soak 'em in urine!
Can't figure out how to dial in that exposure? Soak 'em in urine!
Subject matter less than interesting? Soak 'em in urine!
Urine! Your one stop, photo fixing, fluid...It might smell funky but the results speak for themselves....

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