Is B&H Just mental, or...?

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I find it rather refreshing to see that in the world of ultra-competitiveness someone actually sticks to religious prohibitions. Yes, it might seem "strange" or "outdated" to us, but that's only because we're used to the 24-7 service society, not because taking a break is wrong. I'm not Jewish, nor strictly religious, but they've earned some respect from me there.

They are. A nation is not necessarily a state.

In nationalism theory, a nation needs a common language, culture (historical and/or religious background etc.), AND a land area in which it holds sovereignty (= state) to be a nation. Else, it is "just" a ethnic group. Not everybody needs to live in that area though.
Sounds like a game show.

Tonight at 9...Mental or Jews?!
I've never really had a problem with this. It's like this every Saturday, it's not like if you order something from Adorama it's going to get there faster since it's probably not going to be shipped out right away anyways.

At Adorama, customers are able to submit on-line orders on the Sabbath because our servers do not operate in real time. If they did, then like other stores owned buy Orthodox Jews we would also need to close them down completely - as otherwise we would be accepting money on that day.

If you are interested to read about this subject in more depth, here are a couple of articles that were published by the Washington Post and the New York Times.

You need to be aware that many businesses owned by Orthodox Jews will be closed from the 14th - 22nd October for the holiday of Sukkot / Succos, (closing early on 13th). We really do appreciate your understanding that this is a special time of year for us.

Thank you to all who have posted kind words about Adorama. Of course, mistakes happen in any organization, but if you ever experience a problem - or simply have a query regarding an order from Adorama, please don't hesitate to contact me directly:
[email protected]


Helen Oster
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador

Oof. So no photography equipment from Adorama for a bit either.

Shoot. Adorama also owes me a backorder on something. :lol:

*Chris starts researching all of his vendors to find ones that don't close for religious holidays.*
You need to be aware that many businesses owned by Orthodox Jews will be closed from the 14th - 22nd October for the holiday of Sukkot / Succos, (closing early on 13th). We really do appreciate your understanding that this is a special time of year for us.'s not listed properly on my calendar-of-every-holiday-known-to-any-religion-or-government-on-the-face-of-the-earth-and-maybe-a-few-other-planets. I shall have to complain to the publisher.

Are you still using the special teleportation device that allows me to receive something on Saturday after ordering it late Wednesday evening and using standard shipping? If so, I could probably still place an order on the 14th and get it sooner than expected. :mrgreen:

Seriously, though, I couldn't get a letter across town that fast consistently, but I rarely have time to really get anxious for my Adorama orders to show up.
I was going to order a new lens next week... I just looked at their holiday schedule, they're going to be closed almost the whole month. I'll probably just wait and still order from them (everything else was from B&H), but it is a little disappointing that I won't get my new toy as soon.
We appreciate and regret that our schedule inconveniences you (or anyone else here). We're closed from 1:00pm Oct 13th through Wed Oct 22nd and reopen at 9:00am Thur Oct 23rd. I don't think I'd characterize that as almost the whole month but we do appreciate that it's an inconvenience.

The reason B&H don't allow you to even place orders on holidays is because they don't want to tempt Jews who are not as strict to go on their site/use a computer/make a financial transaction or in any way break the rules of said holiday.
If the holiday observance prohibits engaging in commerce, the prohibition holds no matter who the customer is.

Jews are a crazy nation.
A Jew is a person who practices the religion Judaism.
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We appreciate and regret that our schedule inconveniences you (or anyone else here). We're closed from 1:00pm Oct 13th through Wed Oct 22nd and reopen at 9:00am Thur Oct 23rd. I don't think I'd characterize that as almost the whole month but we do appreciate that it's an inconvenience.

It is refreshing to see a company who puts faith above the all mighty dollar, yen, euro or what ever the currency is in you local.
Ketivah veChasimah Tovah LeShanah Tovah Tikateivu. Gut Yontiff!
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i prefer adorama because they aren't closed as often and usually have free shipping offers here and there that I have yet to find on BH. . .
We appreciate and regret that our schedule inconveniences you (or anyone else here). We're closed from 1:00pm Oct 13th through Wed Oct 22nd and reopen at 9:00am Thur Oct 23rd. I don't think I'd characterize that as almost the whole month but we do appreciate that it's an inconvenience.
Yeah, I guess I exaggerated it a little... I can wait.
yea, it does seem strange that they cant take orders and such, but the reason is because during Yom Kippur the same rules as sabbath appley...All Sabbath-like work restrictions. In addition, there are special restrictions against eating, washing, annointing, marital relations and wearing leather shoes

Yom Kippur started on Tuesday night!! They could have not been closed for that. BUT, they were probably closed for Shabbat which ends at sundown on Saturday.

Other than the fact that "Jews" isn't a nation....

Real nice.

Actually "jews" are a "nation". You did an opps. ;)

nation |ˈnā sh ən|
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language.
It's hard to believe that someone who has been on this forum for over three years, posted over 2,000 posts, never knew B&H closed for Jewish holidays.
It's hard to believe that someone who has been on this forum for over three years, posted over 2,000 posts, never knew B&H closed for Jewish holidays.

It's hard to believe someone who has been on this forum for perhaps a month with under 200 posts has the audacity to publicly judge another member of this community.

Ok, now your turn!

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