
Jedi Bunnywabbit
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Sep 2, 2005
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Stupid @#$)(@#)$ focus issue. For months I was like "man, maybe I'm imagining things", but then I kept seeing other people's pictures and was like "wow, THOSE D800 shots are CRAZY sharp... mine aren't".

So I did some actual testing, called and barked at Nikon... sure enough. Broked.

She's going in today. All wrapped up in 12' of packing materials and insured through the roof.

So today I get to shoot with the D300... yeesh.
That's tough. I've been seeing a lot of negative reviews about the D800's left focusing issue which is scaring me out of making the leap.
What I've seen/heard is that they have the issue resolved now, but even if you get a problematic one a trip back to the service depot brings it right in line. A friend of mine has one and he actually fixed the calibration himself (dude is kinda scary smart) and his pictures have been stunning.

If it's the right camera for you, I wouldn't let this issue scare you away too much. If anything, the 50meg raw files are what you should be afraid of. :)
That's what you get for buying that new-fangled crap. Stick with that D300. Or better yet a good, solid Brownie box camera. You'll be glad in the long run. And since you won't need the D800 anymore I'll get rid of it for you.
What I've seen/heard is that they have the issue resolved now, but even if you get a problematic one a trip back to the service depot brings it right in line. A friend of mine has one and he actually fixed the calibration himself (dude is kinda scary smart) and his pictures have been stunning.

If it's the right camera for you, I wouldn't let this issue scare you away too much. If anything, the 50meg raw files are what you should be afraid of. :)

Ok cool. Good info. I fear not, of the 50mb files. Last semester I was using the Hasselblad 503cw with a 39MP digi back.
That's what you get for buying that new-fangled crap. Stick with that D300. Or better yet a good, solid Brownie box camera. You'll be glad in the long run. And since you won't need the D800 anymore I'll get rid of it for you.

:lol: I'll send it to you as soon as I get it back. :)

Sorry to here that but the D300 is a great camera ...I love mine..LOL so for that I am not sorry you and your D300 got reconnected.

hahah... yeah the D300 is solid. It's just sort of astonishingly slow in focusing and has an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety beeeeeeeeeeeety view finder. These things, of course, were never realized until I used the D800 for a month. :lol: So spoiled.

What I've seen/heard is that they have the issue resolved now, but even if you get a problematic one a trip back to the service depot brings it right in line. A friend of mine has one and he actually fixed the calibration himself (dude is kinda scary smart) and his pictures have been stunning.

If it's the right camera for you, I wouldn't let this issue scare you away too much. If anything, the 50meg raw files are what you should be afraid of. :)

Ok cool. Good info. I fear not, of the 50mb files. Last semester I was using the Hasselblad 503cw with a 39MP digi back.

hahahah... ok yeah, you've been there. :)
hmmm... Guess I am one of the lucky ones! can you describe symptoms, please?
hmmm... Guess I am one of the lucky ones! can you describe symptoms, please?

It was actually one of your shots that pushed me over the edge. They look way better than what I'm getting out of my camera.

it just misses the focus... a lot. It's very annoying.
hmmm... Guess I am one of the lucky ones! can you describe symptoms, please?

It was actually one of your shots that pushed me over the edge. They look way better than what I'm getting out of my camera.

it just misses the focus... a lot. It's very annoying.

Ok... well... sorry to hear that! You know they will make it right! :)
They better. I have that big NIKON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES tag on my name and on the repair form, so I expect them to pretty much kiss my ass for giving me such a craptastic camera. Bastards.

They better. I have that big NIKON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES tag on my name and on the repair form, so I expect them to pretty much kiss my ass for giving me such a craptastic camera. Bastards.


no.. REALLY! It is a FANTASTIC camera! Choo jus got a bad'un, bruddah.. it do happun!
Yeah, well... we'll see. :p

I've really been very annoyed about the whole thing. I waited for eeeeeeeeeeeeeons for a FF camera. I finally get one, and the thing is pretty much a piece of crap, and because of the STUPID big RAW files I basically had to upgrade my whole infrastructure to compensate. And for what? Blurry damned pictures, that's what. BAH.


I'm just grumpy. I'm sure I'll be floored when they fix it and it sucks less. :)
Yeah, well... we'll see. :p

I've really been very annoyed about the whole thing. I waited for eeeeeeeeeeeeeons for a FF camera. I finally get one, and the thing is pretty much a piece of crap, and because of the STUPID big RAW files I basically had to upgrade my whole infrastructure to compensate. And for what? Blurry damned pictures, that's what. BAH.


I'm just grumpy. I'm sure I'll be floored when they fix it and it sucks less. :)

I do LOVE mine.. just need to get out and use it more! lol! Maybe I will do a series of Selfies, nearly naked in dirty underwear... seems popular today! lol! (NOT!) ;)
Yeah, well... we'll see. :p

I've really been very annoyed about the whole thing. I waited for eeeeeeeeeeeeeons for a FF camera. I finally get one, and the thing is pretty much a piece of crap, and because of the STUPID big RAW files I basically had to upgrade my whole infrastructure to compensate. And for what? Blurry damned pictures, that's what. BAH.


I'm just grumpy. I'm sure I'll be floored when they fix it and it sucks less. :)

I do LOVE mine.. just need to get out and use it more! lol! Maybe I will do a series of Selfies, nearly naked it dirty underwear... seems popular today! lol! (NOT!) ;)

Oh yes, excellent idea. And that 36MP will really bring out the nasty hairs on your big fat belly and the pee stains on your tighty whities.


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