"My Photos Are NOT OK to Edit"

For those that need some instruction on the music of P.D.Q. Bach please enjoy this.

You are not qualified to give C&C on classical music. :lol:
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Regarding #3 - IMO, there is very little anyone can do to a reduced size jpeg without butchering it - apart from cropping suggestions.
I don't really see the point. Perhaps I'm missing something.

Yes, you are but since you have shown yourself not to be ignorant, I can only assume you have not seen the hundreds of responses that are made with editing that have helped the poster.
Perhaps not by you, but by others.

No, I suppose I haven't. Then again, I was thinking this suggestion was directed at anyone who didn't allow editing.
I assume that newbies mostly allow editing or don't specify - which I guess they do since hundreds have been helped.

I suppose I just wanted to offer the flip side. I get the sense that people think someone that doesn't allow editing also doesn't want critique.
I can only speak for myself, but I can say that is not the case for me.

I and it's all about me anyway, right? ;)
everyone is different. At this point, I need to be really careful of the type and amount of outside influence im getting. I started this twenty years ago, took a long long break. started again last year. im not having it f-ed up again.
Usually im looking for specific things, often sooc things. I don't even like to edit my own photos. If I post a photo It is most likely a. im screwing off. b. something in particular I need to figure out im working on. c. to see if im getting too far out in left field with a approach.

usually none of the above require a edit from a someone. Too much input, especially a edit I toss the photo completely, as it is nolonger "from me". so anything I post on here will more likely end up being tossed even after a in depth cc never mind a edit.
The best help I have received, was on directions on where to go, written, concerning something or a general written critique to let me know how far off I am in my thinking. The actual photo posted may be one of ten I have going that direction. Editing that one photo does not do much good it is useless. It had nothing to do with a edit. I posted a entire string of photos last week "cc not needed" as not to waste anyones time or my own. Came back with a specific question of leveling and drastic lighting issues, which I could have fixed myself shooting at a different time, but was determined to do it a certain way. Edits don't help in these situations it is FAR beyond a edit. im not looking to fix a photograph usually, I don't care about the photo. im developing a way I shoot, how I shoot, and the direction im going forward in. Most of this will mess me up, not help me. Im blocking the majority of it out, honestly. For my own sake.

specific things, if I need something. I figure ill let them know and be thankful if someone is there to help at the time. The post, edit, learn thing. im all set with that. Really. It is counterproductive for me more than anything. im blocking it out. I see where other people might be on a different path, for them perhaps they should allow free edit of their photos.
Me, im just not going the direction most of the other responders seem to be, im going another one which makes me happier. Doesn't mean I wont learn from a edit, means it will probably be few, far between, and mostly counter productive and a waste of everyones time making me toss the photo after. I don't keep photos influenced by others I throw them. Others, may have different views and needs. Everyone is different.
If it ain't BACH.....it blows.

Rock on Johann...

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  • An edit can be used to speak for itself, or it can be used to complement a written critique. I don’t know why some people in this thread seem to be talking like the two approaches to communicating an idea are mutually exclusive.
  • If somebody does an edit to your photo that you don’t like or agree with, just put your big person pants on and walk it off, the same as you would do with written advice you don’t like or agree with
  • If you’re so thin-skinned and/or self-important that you simply cannot abide the bitter sacrilege of your precious 800x600 jpeg being besmirched by the airbrushes of the unwashed masses, then for the love of God, don’t post the stupid thing on the internet
I don't know about anyone else, but my choice has exactly nothing to do with the thickness - or lack thereof - of my skin. Don't assume that the decision on edits is based solely on how we may or may not take criticism.
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Perhaps we should do away with ok or not ok to edit. Instead you could just have a second avata like.......

I've never liked strangers editing my photos, whether they are trying to help or not. Anyone can accuse me of whatever they like to because of it, but it just comes down to the simple fact that my photos are my babies; I create them, I care for them, and I edit them to my liking. It's my art and my outlet. I simply do not like others to touch them. So sue me. If ever I choose to allow someone to edit my photos, it will be MY choice, not the choice of some schmuck on the internet who thinks they are entitled to change my art to their liking because they think it will help me. MY art, MY choice.
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I don't know about anyone else, but my choice has exactly nothing to do with the thickness - or lack thereof - of my skin. Don't assume that the decision on edits is based solely on how we may or may not take criticism.
Quoted for truth.
Funny enough... I JUST changed my status to that yesterday.

Because I forgot that it still said it was okay.

And. Quite Frankly. When dealing with client images... it's not. :lol:

If someone REALLY wants to show me an edit... they can ask me if I'm okay with it (and I'll probably say yes as long as it's something reasonable), but no, I'm no longer allowing my images to be a free-for-all. :sexywink:

I think everyone has their reasons for doing things the way they do.

If you really want to show someone something, and it says you can't edit their images, just ask them. If they still say no... their loss, and no skin off your nose. :sexywink:
Sorry, but a good teacher should be able to break things down in a way for a student to understand. We've all known those folks in front of a classroom who might have been brilliant but couldn't teach for crap (which is why I call them 'folks at the front of the classroom' rather than 'teachers.') Some people don't know how to explain steps of a process to beginners, and yet a beginner asking for help needs exactly that: certain things to be broken down, not just the final answer.

I might know exactly how to fix a paragraph one of my students wrote, and it would be a HELL of a lot easier to simply re-write the paragraph to 'show' them how to do it, but ultimately, what HELPS the student more is to let them do it themselves.

It's not all about how the teacher prefers to communicate. The teacher must also take into account how the student will receive the information, because if that is ignored, then truly no "communication" has taken place.

Agreed on all these accounts.

Especially your last one, because the fact of the matter is... any of the edited photos I received when I first started out never really helped me without that long explanation attached to it anyway.

Someone would post a photo and then I'd have to ask, "How did you do that exactly?" and then they'd have to take the time to write out 5 paragraphs anyway. :lol:

There were maybe one or two instances where I remember distinctly asking someone for a visual, because I just couldn't understand what they were saying in text, but those were exceptions to the rule.

I'm DEFINITELY a visual learning, but like you said... just seeing the END result alone didn't help me. I needed the verbal explanation to go along with it, and often times that was enough on it's own.

(And also I'm TOTALLY stubborn and DEFINITELY a "I WANNA DO IT MYSELF!" type of person. :lmao: )
I don't know about anyone else, but my choice has exactly nothing to do with the thickness - or lack thereof - of my skin. Don't assume that the decision on edits is based solely on how we may or may not take criticism.

[I didn't realize this thread was 13 pages long when I posted, so I skipped all the sh*t in between and jumped to the last page...]

ALSO quoted for truth.

The fact that I have changed my status has NOTHING to do with my lack of ability to take critique. If anything I find myself saying after I post, "Yeah. I'm really glad they love these all, but I really miss the days when someone would give me actual CRITIQUE and not just pats on the back". :lol:

Getting critique is the only way I ever got better.

I still get critiqued now. I just tend to do it other places that are much scarier than TPF is for me anymore, because no one here really critiques my stuff anymore. :lol:

That's not a fault of TPF either. Most of the community here are new shooters... so there isn't anything for them to critique (or at least they feel not), and the people who are BETTER than me are most likely the type of people who refuse to critique others on the internet because it never ends well (Although, I really wish ya'll would. Cause I need you to. And when I can say I can take it... I REALLY, REALLY, mean that. :lmao: ).

So it's not lack of thick skin at all.

It's because I've been paid to produce those images and I don't really want variations floating around online when it says in my contract that the clients IN the images are not allowed to edit them. :lol:
I've never liked strangers editing my photos, whether they are trying to help or not. Anyone can accuse me of whatever they like to because of it, but it just comes down to the simple fact that my photos are my babies; I create them, I care for them, and I edit them to my liking. It's my art and my outlet. I simply do not like others to touch them. So sue me. If ever I choose to allow someone to edit my photos, it will be MY choice, not the choice of some schmuck on the internet who thinks they are entitled to change my art to their liking because they think it will help me. MY art, MY choice.

Amen, brother.

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