N00b Q's - People Photography Logistics

Museums generally have a rule about no official shoots and I noticed a rule at one i was at not long ago about not hanging around anywhere for more than 15 minutes or something not sure who it was directed at. Some people sit there and draw the stuff. Students take pictures and do whatever. They often have cool backgrounds and or lighting. If you were just there with a friend taking typical tourist photos... while not necessarily allowed easy enough to get away with as long as you aren't barking out orders and you keep it moving. There often are ushers or whatever in a lot of places keeping an eye on the art and sculpture so you can't be too obvious. Most amateur models I've worked with don't seem like they'd mind guerilla photography. Not sure if TFP counts as professional shoot anyway.

Similarly lobbies, train stations or other places you can keep it casual, get a few shots and keep it moving.

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