NEw photo post C&C welcomed :D


TPF Noob!
Oct 31, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hey all hope all is going well. Haven't been on in awhile been super busy with life and all that cool jazz, you know how it is :D

Anyways here's a shot that I took awhile ago let me know what you all think feedback is greatly appreciated :)

Edit: There it appeared.

I'm not sure about the B/W, it's hard to tell where the focus is. It looks sharpest on the edges of the coins, but pretty soft overall.

Can you re-shoot it with a focus point changed?
Would that mean just to focus on a part of the table than take the shot of the coins?
Ok, as a beginner would that help sharpen the photo more?

Yes. I think what happened is you focused on the edges of the coins, so the entire face of the coin and the stack in general look really out of focus. It could also be camera shake. Was this taken in low lighting? If so, was it on a tripod?
The only lighting I had was the one from the wndow..should I use a dim lamp? and it was hand held would you recommend a tripod for these kind of shots?
The only lighting I had was the one from the wndow..should I use a dim lamp? and it was hand held would you recommend a tripod for these kind of shots?

If it was in low lighting, then yes a tripod would help dramatically. ANy movement while the shutter is open will cause your picture to be out of focus.
Thanks Josh :D what aperature would you recommend for stills?

Depends what you are shooting, lighting conditions, how shallow you want your depth of field, etc.

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