

TPF Noob!
Jul 8, 2007
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Hi ya'll, I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on these photos. Thank you for the tips with the forums, because I am new at this site.
first of all, way to many images to give feedback on each one, so you'll just get an overall opinion, which wouldn't be all that great in comparison to an individual basis.

second of all, you uploaded them wrong on here, you need to use the
What he said.
i only see two photos uploaded, so i will comment on those two. the first one i like. i like the color and the silhouette. the second one looks like a great snapshot to me.
I see 2 snapshots and they are just that snapshots.
Hi Hrcfan, These are definitely a work in progress. The first thing you have to do when you want more than a snapshot is to decide what you want after you are done. (The rest is just reverse engineering.)

The second thing is to look around to see what has been done before. This is Not a bad thing because if you hadn't done that you would have never learned to talk, much less anything else. Even if you come up with a new language you still have to be able to explain it so others can understand it for it to have any worth.

After that you make an effort and then see what people think to gauge whether or not you are communicating what you want.

For instance in the first shot, I cant tell if you are trying to represent Life's long, lonely climb to the last door, or if you are just trying to figure out how to use the white balance adjustment.
[if it's the first then you need more separation -wider lens- to distance the subject from the viewer for the lonely part]

In the second you either have someone with an Alien Parrot coming out of his stomach or are trying to do a high key shot.
[if the first then run, if the second then you should study high key to see how best to do it- for instance in high key the face and other visible skin should be the darkest thing in the shot.]

Good luck, and study hard (you really didn't think that school was going to be the end of it did you?? ;)

I love the idea of the first one, but the pose is meaningless to me. If the subject was standing straight and menacing like an unknown looming figure then this image would have much more impact.
I like the first one, on the assumption that it is part of a body of work, and there are more like it in a series.

The second one is a nice shot, but nothing creatively outstanding. We don't get to know the subject. The background is washed out, almost non-existant. I assume the camera exposed for the black t-shirt, and then over-exposed the bright background. The shirt is very busy and competes for attention without teaching us anything about the subject. The pose and facial expression are meaningless. It looks like just another quasi-goth American suburban teenager in front of a convenience store.

Please don't let blunt comments discourage you. Keep on shooting, you're obviously trying to figure out how to comment on the world and people around you, an there's no right way. The last person you ought to be taking advice from is a guy in a suit like me, but hey, it's free.

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