Photography Quotes


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 26, 2012
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North Carolina
Can others edit my Photos
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Hello there everyone!

I think we all can agree that we have a favorite photography quote and I'm interested in learning some new ones that I may have not heard before.

Please list who they are by, if you don't know please try to find out. I'm very big on giving people credit. (Screw you Instagram :p)

Here are my three favorites.

1) You don't take a photograph, you make it. -Ansel Adams
2) Your first 10,000 photos are your worst. -Henri Cartier-Bresson
3) I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn't that good. -Anonymous
“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
― Ansel Adams
“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
― Ansel Adams

Thank you for the reply. Sadly I did not get very many. ):
"Go forth and actuate." -Sparky
Sharpness is a bourgeois concept - Henri Cartier-Bresson
A camera, like a guitar, is just a box with a hole in it.
Until it is placed in the hands of a true artist, it will not make music, only noise. - Author Unknown
"If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough." - Robert Capa
F--k it just f--k it!!!! - me

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