Pictures in the hospital


TPF Noob!
May 13, 2008
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New Jersey
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have a question. I'm talking pictures in the hospital of a my friends baby. When I turn the flash off it usually blurry and when the flash is on it just seems to bright. Can anyone tell me what to do, so I can get some great memories for my friend

leave the flash on but put your hand over it :D

thats what i do :)
what setting do you use with your camera? that might help with people's answers.

i'm going out on a limb (as i'm a noob) and saying that your shutter speed may be too low. also, when i'm shooting with no flash, i tend to turn up the ISO... but that makes my pics all grainy
If you have the right equipment, such as a DSLR/SLR camera with a fast lens, such as 50mm f/1.8 or better, you can take photos without flash. And sometimes, you may need to go with higher ISO.
What camera are you using first? If it is a P&S then shoot in Aperture Mode and, adjust it till you get the right exposure. I wouldnt use Auto it will always over expose.
In one of your menus, you can underexpose the flash. Do so, to get a more natural light.

put hand over flash maybe resulting a reddish colour? try to put on a DIY diffuser, say half cut used white plastic bottle (cough syrup)? that may soften your subject.. blurry pics caused by movement - and camera's long exposure (to get in more light).. flash will provide the light - so that short exposure is being used, but too much light will overexpose the subject (harsh flash - too bright).. so, a diffuser would be great - soften the light source (flash) without sacrificing the exposure..
I would increase the ISO and try that way see what you get. Also, shoot on aperture mode. (I would try a f# between 5.6 to 8)
Good Luck!!
I have this same problem. If you don't use flash, your shutter speed is too low and it makes everyone and everything blurry. If you do use the flash, they look pure white and like a deer in the headlights. It seems like there's no middle ground.

My cameras flash is beyond harsh. It has customizable flash strength, but even at the lowest setting I could go at, people still looked like they were in a police station getting their mug shot. I took a piece of toilet paper, folded it in two (my flash is REALLY bright), and scotch taped it over the flash. My photos come out a lot less harsh, now, and I literally didn't spend a penny to fix the issue I had with it. I will note I didn't put the scotch tape over the flash itself. I don't know if that would affect it any, but I didn't want to find out. I taped right above and right below the actual flash, and the result is much more natural-looking faces. Plus the people I'm photographing don't complain as much, cause the flash lost a lot of its harshness

Anyway, I hope whatever problem you have gets resolved.
Hospitals generally have a sunroom or two about the place - Use them for the photos, lots more light there.
my cousin had a baby in like january, and i only had my camera for a few weeks (since xmas) so i didn't know much about shutter speeds and stuff like that..

all i know is that the lighting was really low so i boosted the camera up to ISO 800/1200 or maybe slightly lower and tried to achieve the fastest shutter speed, got pretty good photos...also tried not to use flash at all, the baby was like a day old so didn't wanna kill it with flash (even if it was on camera)

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