Please give feedback on our photos!


TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello everyone,

My friend and I have opened a Facebook page with photos of what we believe are wonderful and special places/moment.
We are curious what you think of the images.
Therefore we are asking you kindly to comment on some of our photos and be honest about what you think/feel.

Thank you in advance!

Michelle and Jacqueline!/pages/A-...41804292500648
Most people do not generally like to click on links. If you could post a few pictures here, that would probably get you some critique.
Hello, and welcome! One of the customs here is to NOT click on links... especially if they go to questionable places! :) You will get much more interaction if you actually post photos... preferably not more than three, if you really want C&C. We also prefer YOUR images.. not images belonging to anyone else, as that is often copyright infringement.

How to post photos:
You've been to some nice places. Your post processing is not in line with a true image....the colors are not real. You may not have a calibrated Monitor, or you may not be fluent in proessing your images yet.
Cool places, but you need to work on your framing and you need more work on your B&W's.

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