Pregnancy Portraits


TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2008
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So I'm new to this site and I'm not quite sure how this all works but I thought I would see if I could get a few ideas from everyone on some pregnancy portrait ideas. I'm getting ready to do a shoot and there is only so much web surfing I can do to get ideas.. it wears me out! :) So if everyone could give me some sites that they use for inspiration or even some ideas that has worked out great for them that would be awesome!!
how exposed does she feel comfortable with?

My wife felt really sexy when she was pregnant (so did I), so we did some more skin photos.
very. She's young and alllll belly so she looks amazing. Only downfall is I don't have a studio.. I do all on location photography. I'm taking her to a really serene location because she wants B&W and a fence in the background. Those sites were awesome though THANK YOU! Any ideas for outdoor shots?
A woman playing golf in her third trimester sounds fun.

Nice white pair of shorts and a pink top. White shoes on small feet.

Maybe put one of those hawaiian leis around her neck to add color.
A woman playing golf in her third trimester sounds fun.

Nice white pair of shorts and a pink top. White shoes on small feet.

Maybe put one of those hawaiian leis around her neck to add color.

:lol: I'm in my second tri, on my third pregnancy and I can tell you... playing golf at that stage... :er:


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