Product Photography - Another kick at the can

Lazy Photographer

TPF Noob!
Jul 4, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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So I built myself a lightbox today. I still have to add the racing stripes and rear view mirror, and I'm still learning how to set up the lighting, but boy am I having fun. I know I've still got a ways to go. And I have to change up the material I used for the floor and back wall, since the current stuff isn't a solid white. I didn't think it would show in the photos but it does.
I'd love some feedback on the latest crop. Keep in mind I'm still shooting with my trust 5-yr-old point & shoot.

1. The light box



4. Shot from top hatch

5. Shot from top hatch
I'm impressed. Well done!
I might use some of your ideas to modify mine:)
That's how I set mine up, except I had a top center light...

Good shots, I think they're very clean and show off what you can do with a little home arts and crafts time.
Thanks. I have a hatch on the top of mine that can be used as an access point for the camera or as another light source. I just place some paper over the opening to act as a diffuser and place a lamp on top of the box and it's good to go.
Your improvised box is far more better than the one I bought in a camera store. YOu must have spent only 10 dollars in your box. It costed me 120 dollars. Now I know why my very very opulent uncle told me not to aim for those expensive ones. Good job, man.
Any links for a tutorial on how to build one? I'm guessing it's as easy as just taping some white foam core together in a box shape, and hooking up some lights? Anything I should know if I were to try to build one of these myself?
Interesting design - its different to the other kind I see used more regularly in that your's is a sealed box with a white inside onto which you reflect the lamp light off - whilst in many others (including the popular strobist websites example) have the sides of the box cut away and replaced with white paper and the light is shot through them
I made it both ways, and preferred the style like the OP's.

I used white foam poster board I round at a local arts and crafts store. Then I picked up some different sweeps, one textured black, white, and one that looked like marble.

I would suggest giving it a try, you dont always have to use white, grab some other colors to give it a different feel. For example I was photographing cheesecake on white plates, the black made it more enjoyable to view.
I have to say the light on these products does appear a lot softer than the test shots I see from the other kind. I guess that is the differnce between bouncing the light initially and then having it reflect on to the product - with shining it through a surface and onto the product first - and then having it bounce around after.
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll try to build one of these this week and see what I can come up with. Looks like fun. :)

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