"sunshine" flower


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2005
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Summerville, SC
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Yesterday my fiance brought home a bouquet of sunflowers to "add a little sunshine to my day." He knows I love yellow flowers, and I love that about him. Just was playing around and thought I'd spread a little sunshine! Have a good day everyone! :wink:

nice shot, the colour seems to just warm me up
Snellville? Small world! I grew up just down the rd. from there in Stone Mtn. Most of my friends went to South. Great shot by the way!
This photo is here on the forums twice ... I think I'll merge the two threads to one ... there is no reason to double-post one's photos here, I think, no matter how lovely they are.
Dan28607 said:
Snellville? Small world! I grew up just down the rd. from there in Stone Mtn. Most of my friends went to South. Great shot by the way!

Someone actually knows where Snellville is!?! I'm amazed! What a small world it is, I actually grew up about a mile away from south! (even though I went to Brookwood!) I need to change my location though, I live in NYC now...big change from Snellville!
Brookwood? Boooooo! Just kidding. Yeah, NYC is a big change from "the Ville". I wonder if you know any of the people I know? Micheal and Marilyn Payne? Rob and Kristie Perkins? Im sure its a long shot but they also grew up about a mile from South.
Dan28607 said:
Brookwood? Boooooo! Just kidding. Yeah, NYC is a big change from "the Ville". I wonder if you know any of the people I know? Micheal and Marilyn Payne? Rob and Kristie Perkins? Im sure its a long shot but they also grew up about a mile from South.

No, I don't know them. (which I am surprised about considering there are like 5 people who live in Snellville! However, you cracked me up calling it "the ville!" I'm adding it to my location!
Awwwwe, wasn't he sweet. Who could resist a yellow flower? Nice shot.

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