Swiss toil


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
hahaha very good for the advertising company... maybe mils products or even a shampoo... those cows has beautiful tails... huh :) I don't think that is our own Molested_cow :) Why do put that on the site? Crapy, its ruined by flash.
the flash is too bright, but i can see the flash effect working for this shot.
i like the row of cows disappearing to the vanishing point door. if you could diffuse the flash so it's not so bright in front, and a bit brighter on the cows further away, i would really like this shot.
as it is, the cows in front are too separate from the cows in the extreme background. assuming there are cows somewhere inbetween (hidden in the shadows), if you could capture them too, the creatures would have a really serial feel to them.

i like the tilt, it makes it seem as if the cows are sliding down the horizon
Flash is definately too bright, adjusting levels should help. That said first off grooski, there's a thing called "tact".

Secondly, there is absolutely, positively NO WAY I would bring my tripod in there.
jadin said:
That said first off grooski, there's a thing called "tact".

My sentiments exactly! Found this, perhaps it would make a good signature line?

Tact: Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.
This IS the Critique Gallery. Anyone that posts here should expect complete honesty. If you just want Ooohs and Aaahs, post in the Photo Gallery. The title of this forum says it all.

"Critique Gallery
This forum is for serious critique, so expect brutal responses if you post here."
I agree, honesty is good and what I expect when I put work here. However, asking someone why they even bothered to put the picture here isn't a critique, it just seems tactless. I always welcome suggestions on my work, but even I would be offended on this forum if someone said "Why did you even bother to post this here?" Several of these type of comments were also made on the general picture thread as well.
we have strived to find a medium here which reflects the honesty with which we pride ourselves in. that being said, the picture was a technical failure and grooski should have said that in a more tactful way, but not sugarcoating it. i believe that everyone is correct in what they are saying, so lets just all get along.

I agree with both y'all... It was a bit rude to tell someone they shouldn't post something. The idea is that people post because they want to improve. However, I do wonder what motivates people to post some of the photos for critique... but everyone has to start somewhere.
I was most interested in learning. I was aware of the technical defects in photos I posted in this forum and I meant to seek in the first place criticisms to learn from you on improvement. To term the work as a failure or success is of no difference to me but I truly appreciate hearing, again, critical comments beyond labels. Ideas like color saturation, tripod, etc, I must admit I never thought about by myself.. The forum is really helpful!

I agree with grooski that "true photographers don't use photoshop". The motivation is to capture what photographers themselves want to capture. I wish I could master all the technicalities to achieve that end:)

I took another look at the main site and happened to find a "bloopers" forum. It would suit.

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