The (Ongoing) Adventures of Colin the Bear

^^^ Heehee, but 'he' looks pretty dang good in a dress and pearls, don't he?
yes, colin and colleen do 'bear' a resemblance...:p

keep the adventures coming. I'm loving it!


What a riot. I just looked at this thread for the first time. Really entertaining!

Any more of Adventures of Colin or is this becoming a bit thread-bear now? ;)


This guy doesn't look to pleased. I think he's giving Colin 'the eye'.

OMG. I can't believe I've never been to this thread. This is ridiculously hilarious!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm glad that Colin is so keen on learning how to speak Canadian.
I'm also glad to see that he hasn't frozen any little toes, ears, or tails off in the snow.

KEEP 'EM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!:hail:
awesome stuff...
I'm going to have to try to start a series of my own with the little teddy bear I bought in London... a bear dressed up as a UK police officer...
actually, I'm going to go outside right now!
Oh my, it’s almost mid-March and you know what that means! Don’t you?

Yes, it’s….St. Patrick’s Day on March 17!! The time of year when everyone claims to have some Irish in ‘em (and Irish guys offer to help out the ladies who don’t). Colin was very excited to hear that the tradition is honoured in Canuckia. Colin had been hibernating during the cold Canuckian winter, post Valentine’s Day, and needed ‘a wee dram’ to help him thaw. His friend Ollie was also keen to down a few. So they got kitted up and set off to make their way to the pub. In true Irish tradition, the celebrations begin several days before March 17th, so you gotta get there early to get a good seat!



At the pub, Colin and Ollie heard the following toast and were so tickled with it, they wanted to have it posted here:

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping.

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During the week of March 12th, Colin noticed that the shopping malls seemed much more crowded than usual. “What’s up?”, he inquired of one of the many young people he saw hanging around. “It’s spring break” was the answer he received. “Oh my”, that sounds like what we bears call ‘the end of hibernation. What type of thing do you humans do during spring break?” One young girl, with funny blank eyes, curly red hair, and a red dress, replied that he could go see the musical Annie with her. “I’ve never been to a musical” Colin said. “Let’s do it. When will we go?” Suddenly she was singing: “Tomorrow, tomorrow, there’s always tomorrow, it’s only a daaaaaaay aaaaaaa-waaaaaaay”.

“Oh-kay” said Colin, wondering if he was getting mixed up in some crazy cult. “Let’s go Tomorrow”. And so they did. Here’s Colin in his booster seat, with his program, waiting for the show to start.


With spring having now officially arrived, Colin figured he's better hustle if he wanted to play the Canuckian National Sport of….ice hockey! Having seen it being played on the television, he thought the players were a bunch of wimps for all the padding and protection they wore. But not Colin… he's one tough bear! So off he went, with just his Canon jersey, his stick and a puck, to play on the local rink. It was late afternoon by the time he got there, and the ice surface was pretty chopped up, but he got to play a bit, and was even congratulated on his stickhandling and ability to pass the puck. He really liked to score too. He's waiting to be signed for a pro team, and figures he's a shoo-in for the Boston Bruins. Or maybe the Pittsburgh Penguins. [Hmmpf, how odd, there's no team that uses Otters in its name….]

Heehee looks like Colin could use a bigger stick (hockey stick :p)
As Easter approached, Colin got very excited. “Oh joy, oh bliss, candy eggs and bunny cookies” he thought. Where to find them, though? “I know, they hang out in baskets”. So off he went to look for a basket. Soon enough, he found one. Climbing up to its edge, he peeked inside and saw….bunnies!!!

He tried and tried to resist them, but ultimately the carnivore within him won out.

“I can stop at any time” protested Colin. “Methinks he doth protest too much” the Penguin Queen thought to herself, the evidence of his feast still on Colin’s face.

“I’ll behave myself” Colin thought, as he hung out with his new friend, Harvey. At least as long as he keeps me satisfied, with jelly beans and chocolates. And maybe the odd pair of silk stockings. For Colleen, of course. :sexywink:

cute! I hadn't seen this before.
these little bunny guys are just so cute! But not as cute as Colin of course! Happy early Easter to the Penguin Queen and her Colin bear.

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