Todays project is...


TPF Noob!
Aug 11, 2004
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Up your bum
I have a client I'm doing some shots for. Not particularly interesting stuff, but hey. It's for a natural goods store.

Very nice. What lighting equipment do you use and what's your setup?
It has a weird color cast to it. I'm going to reshoot it I think. For some reason, the original had some serious magenta color that I removed, but something about it just.... isn't right. I keep looking at it and saying "something is very wrong, but I can't put my finger on WHAT".

These were actually small enough that I set them up in a light tent. I just shot the other image I was asked to do, and it came out a bit better. I'll post it when I it uploaded.
Tonks said:
It has a weird color cast to it. I'm going to reshoot it I think. For some reason, the original had some serious magenta color that I removed, but something about it just.... isn't right. I keep looking at it and saying "something is very wrong, but I can't put my finger on WHAT".

I agree. Maybe saturation or something...I don't know either.
I thought that cast gave it a natural, earthy feel. Oh well. Who was the client if you don't mind me asking? (You can PM me if you don't feel like saying it in public.)
Good job! I love the soft light. The cast is a little tricky. I would have to see the original. Double check the white balance setting. May be some stray light got into the frame. Good call in putting the light colored soap in the shadow of the basket. I second the motion of propping up the yarn or just remove the label. If you are shooting 35mm the head on approach is the best. Do not forget to throw a torpedo level on it.

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