Trash bin at the Beach - Critique

Valls, I think you can still crop it, just crop a bit out of the left or right as well to maintain the aspect ratio. You should be able to make it work fine.
Ok, so I made too attempts... First I made the bottom grass brighter, so it looks a bit less distracting... Then I cropped it out and a bit from the left side also! Both pics I removed the horizon distraction. Here's what I came up with:

The cropped one:

The brightened one:
no crop.jpg

What are your thoughts on them?
First one is better I think- I don't think the grass will ever work... but you lost your perspective a bit.
Try cropping proportionally from the bottom and one of the sides. (in photohsop- if you're using that- hold shift key and drag in from the lower left or lower right corner. (I suspect the lower-right)).
Ok, so here's the shift-holding crop from lower-right corner:

right crop.jpg

If only I had some sand between the grass and the clown, so I wouldn't have to crop the clown's bottom to remove the grass, I think It would look even better! If I had another chance of taking this same shot, I think I'd dolly in a bit further so I could include some sand in between the grass and clown... Other than that, I feel I've achieved the kind of creepiness I wished for, just as much as I could with my point and shoot.. If I could do long exposures I'd definitively go back there at night, add some moon to the scene if I was lucky enough and maybe do some light painting! Perhaps I'll try something like that if the clown is still there when I get my D5300!


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I understand wanting to make it landscape orientation, but have you thought about portrait?

Well, It kinda looks happier to me, don't know why! lol I think the off-centered disposition of the clown kinda added to the creepiness, somehow... maybe the negative space is somewhat important for a more "deep" feeling in the photo, but I'm just guessing! I would definitively go for that portrait if that was a person in the pic, tho! Not sure about the B&W with a person, tho, but probably would work also! What you think?
Well, It kinda looks happier to me, don't know why! lol I think the off-centered disposition of the clown kinda added to the creepiness, somehow... maybe the negative space is somewhat important for a more "deep" feeling in the photo, but I'm just guessing! I would definitively go for that portrait if that was a person in the pic, tho! Not sure about the B&W with a person, tho, but probably would work also! What you think?
Hmm.. he's going to be smiling no matter what, so he always looks happy! ;)

If you want the negative space, maybe take the photo with even more negative space, to almost make it look deserted. So, the clown trash bin would be small/smallish in the frame, rather than dominating most of it?

I'm just throwing out ideas, so please feel free to disagree with me! :smile:
I tried (and deleted) a wider angle shot of this scene, to increase negative space while still keeping the clown pretty big, but my depth of field was too large and the ocean behind the clown was too much in focus, got kinda distracting for the matter.. Also there was people at the beach so it was kinda hard photographing the clown alone! But I like your idea and, if I had the gear, thats probably what I would have done! I would have increased the negative space and then cropped in a sort of a panoramic view (not tooo big of a panorama) keeping the clown all by himself in a desert kinda blurry beach and well, kinda creepy even with the smile on its face! hahah
Hello guys,

Here I come again with another photo I hope for you to critique!
This photo was taken at the beach, in a somewhat cloudy day.
My camera is a soperzoom, Nikon Coolpix P500.
This was shot in Manual mode, handheld, ISO 160, f/5.6, shutter speed 1/320s, at about 88,7mm (according to exif data).

Here's the picture:

And if you wanna suggest a different crop/post processing here's the original:

So, I wanted to pass a certain impression with this picture... I want you to tell me what impression you got when you saw it! I could tell you what I wanted you to see, but I don't wanna influence on your opinion! If anyone gets it, I'll let you know!

Other than that, please say anything that come to mind as to how I could have made it better. I know the picture is a bit underexposed, but I was handholding the camera and quite zoomed in (for the shallower depth of field), so I wanted to make sure it was pretty sharp (or as sharp as it gets, anyway).

Once more, thank you guys! Cheers!
I like it. There is something sinister about that clown. It reminds me of "Killer Clowns from Outer Space."
Hahahah thanks, otherprof! :) That's indeed one sinister garbage can I'd never throw my garbage in! I'm glad you like it!
This image is a good example of a number of issues that we face when we go out and photograph street life...color or B&W? Close-in, medium distance, long-range point of view? Horizontal, square, or vertical aspect ratio? What is the subject to background relationship, and how much of each is needed to make a good picture? Is the photo mostly about the subject, or is the environment the subject, or is it the subject-to-environment relationship that is the story? How much does the title of the photo affect how we evaluate the picture? Can any photo be improved by cropping, to the point where it is a satisfying or successful picture? The grass at the lower edge of this photo, for example: did the decision to include a small strip of grass across the bottom edge help, or hinder, the post-shoot image cropping options? So,so many questions that this photo brings up!

I mostly like the subjects, clown figures, and the ocean, but I think I have never once seen the two juxtaposed, so that alone makes this an interesting subject, novel, shocking, unexpected, and so on. How successful this photo is depends on each individual viewer's feelings. I don't have much experience in judging clown representation + seascape type photos.
Thank you, Derrel! For real! I really really appreciate your thoughts and you actually make me feel a bit more confident, even... I knew I thought it to be an interesting photo by the time I took it, but I didn't quite figure what was so interesting and creepy for me about it, until you brought it up! I mean, a clown and the ocean, who would ever think of that!? I like your approach to the issue! Thank you very much for commenting!
Play a word game:

Creepy: Surreal, lurking, unbalanced moment...
Clowns: Surreal, larger than life, grotesque...

I get a happy feeling of families having a day at the beach together and then visiting the clown as they leave.
Thats unexpected!! Thanks for your comment! :)

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