What's your poison

Sweet tea or coke for me...never tried any alcholic beverage except wine and hate the stuff...and don't intend on trying others...
eromallagadnama said:
Sweet tea or coke for me...never tried any alcholic beverage except wine and hate the stuff...and don't intend on trying others...

Some people.......absolutely no willpower! :lol:
Pint of Guinness - when it is on tap - warm glass, order the second just as the first gets to me.
Maker's Mark! Please do not mix or add ice.
I'll try any home brew out there too. But I enjoy my own the most.
Don't drink that often, but when I do my drink of choice is Crown & Coke. And I've recently found a local winery that has a fabulous white wine.

Beer: Tooheys New (when there's nothing else around), Corona or Steinlager.

Spirits: Jim, Jack or Johny. :mrgreen:
I'll take a Mountain Dew, thanks. :mrgreen:

isnt that grape juice?? ;)
HOW!!! How on earth did I miss this thread?! I wonder how many other threads out there mention me. :confused: :lol:

Yes... I love a good drink... and I get verrrrry social too when I drink... hence the excessive drunk posting. hehehe.

Poison of the week, this week is Vodka, lime and soda. Mmmmm.

Love a nice chardonnay too. and red wine has either a good effect on me or a bad effect depending on your point of view.... lets just say... it's gooooooooood. :mrgreen:
Meysha said:
I love a good drink... and I get verrrrry social too when I drink...

Can you define verrry social for us please... and supply pictures of the relevant hot drunk chick action.


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