where do you work? post a pic!


TPF Noob!
May 8, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
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because its a strange fascination i have . . . i want to see where you work!

heres mine:

various photos of locations i work in regularly



I'm at work to work, not to carry around a camera.

Oops....... apparently I'm also at work to post on photo forums..... :D

My camera wouldn't work well with how dark it is here. I could sneak in some shots, but I think the management team would go nuts on me if they found out I posted photos of the workplace online. Doubt they would like seeing me setting up a tripod instead of working either.
ok, lets revise . . . post a photo of your adult playground?
and jesus mrodgers . . . do you work in a dungeon? how dark is it?!
I am currently on the roles of those that formerly paid tribute to the weekly reminder of that which we slave for.

the company I worked for laid off ~2500 since Jan 12th. Due to this, I am eligible for work force retraining which I am looking to take advantage of for Land Survey / Civil Engineer Technology.

It should allow me significant more time in the field to enjoy scenes such as these.



I am also retired from the national guard and enjoying my free time from there as well.

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"thump thump thump thump" :)

well then old sarg good luck with work.
I must say,

Thanks for the well wishes.

I also now see I suspect something is NOT right with either my Camera or my lens.

The milkweed and pasture images above were both taken last October shortly after I got my camera.

Since then, I have lost a LOT of the crispness and edge in the pictures.
I think the management team would go nuts on me if they found out I posted photos of the workplace online. Doubt they would like seeing me setting up a tripod instead of working either.

Yeah, same here.

I'm pretty sure security would be escorting me out the door before I even got a shot off if I pulled out an SLR (or any camera, for that matter) at work...

I've only had one job that let me bring a camera in, and I think it was just because they didn't know any better.


I wish I could take pictures at work though... The crappieness of the photography in our newsletters & slideshows always blows me away.
I know most of the time they're just using some P&S to take quick snaps (which is part of the problem I guess - P&S + quick snaps), but they don't even bother to weed out the out of focus or motion blurred ones...
I wish I could hand them a portfolio or something to show them how much better it could be, but how do you build a portfolio of stuff you're not allowed to take pictures of?
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and jesus mrodgers . . . do you work in a dungeon? how dark is it?!
No, I work in a manufacturing plant. Manufacturing plant lighting plus non-dSLR camera equals really crappy shooting conditions unless using a tripod. ISO 800 for lighting conditions just doesn't work with a superzoom camera. Noise Noise Noise...
Economic downturn = unemployment x 2. My husband just returned to work again but I am still waiting and doing what I can in the meantime. You know what they say: It takes money to make money....sigh.

But I am putting my time to good use. I am working on a business plan to try to open my own studio! (kneels and prays)
farmerj, that's quite a shot (no pun intended, LOL) looking down the barrel of that gun.
here's my home away from home...
looks pretty lame compared to those of you who are out in the field all day launching 40mm grenades and whatnot...:lol:


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