Which would you choose?


TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello everyone!

I've been practicing with my camera for a few months now--really trying to focus on composition and getting interesting shots of everyday objects. I downloaded a trial version of Elements 8 for Macs and have been playing around with that, too. My trial is almost up and I found I can buy it for about $60 on ebay (instead of the $100ish retail price). I'm also interested in the 50mm f/1.8 II lens which goes for around $90 (cheapest I've found online, not counting ebay).

For a beginning photographer, which do you think would be the best for me to get first? I can't afford both at the same time and it will probably take me another couple months to save up for whichever I don't get now. Anyway, just wondering what you all think :)


the lens. PP takes a while to get the hang of, imo.
I would buy the lens first, as you can always work on the saved photos later in Elements.
I would buy the lens first, as you can always work on the saved photos later in Elements.

+1 A photo can always be edited later -but you can't always go back to take a shot if you miss it. Go for the glass and then the editing software.

Also the CD that the camera came with should have a RAW processing software program on it should you delve into the world of RAW before getting and editing program

Finally there is Gimp (google it :)) which is a freeware editingprogram. Its powerfull, but its user interface is not as refined as photoshops and thus whilst it can do a lot of stuff it can be a nightmare to navitage- but it would give you something to work with.
I would go with the glass too as the other posts mention. I use photoscape which is also freeware and gets the job done :)
Definately the lens.
IMO the lens.....there is a lot of freeware software available: GMIP, Windowslive, etc which are really good.
Thanks for all the replies :) I guess I'll go ahead and get the lens since that seems to be the unanimous consensus! I played around with GIMP and the free software the camera came with, but Elements is a lot easier to understand and use. I can go back to the free stuff for awhile, though ;)
I would also get the lens but I would look on ebay for software when you are ready to buy the software. If the software is unopened and it is cheap, I say buy it (one of the few things I buy on ebay). Apple has it's own version of photo software (think it's called Aperture). Gimp is difficult to use especially to a newbie, I've used photoscape and Picasa as well. When the time comes look for Adobe products but I've read that Corel is pretty good and I am playing around with Serif Photoplus X3 got it on Ebay for a great price (not sure if either works on Mac).

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