

TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
whats ur opinion abt which one is good... digital photography or simple photography...what the difference in their outputs...
whats ur opinion abt which one is good... digital photography or simple photography...what the difference in their outputs...

define simple.
By simple, do you refer to the one where there are chemicals involved? You know, that corrosive stuff that turns your fingers brown, ruins your lungs, makes you a hermit in a blackened room for days on end and lets your kids grow up without seeing you until they bring the grandkids around too see you in your iron lung. That delightful fun stuff we all did for a couple of centuries. Is it that simple photography you refer too? Ya, that simple photography is good. I thought it great for a very long time. The other more complex form of photography where I can shoot more often, see my grand children and interact with humans and critters instead of musty rooms and black walls. Ya, that photography is OK too.

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