So I've been using this camera for a few weeks now and I use 400 film and my ISO/ASA is at 400 as well. I never change my settings but somehow some of my photos come out under exposed. Do i need to change my settings up to 1000 when shooting outdoors in the day or should i lower it to 200 or...
Hi, just recently bought a film camera and I have been experimenting around. I was just wondering what I am doing wrong which leads to sections of my developed and scanned film having black patches. Attached are a few examples, some are more extreme than the other as you can see. Also I don't...
hi guys, i'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread, if it's not please forgive me ahah.
so, i've recently found a canon A1 that belonged to my grandad, i've never used an analog camera in my life and i'm getting into it. i'm not really a beginner about the parameters i'm asking...
Busy downtown, though it looked like a great place to stand in the middle of the median and take pictures, I think they turned out ok. Click on the jpg, have no idea why it doesn't populate.
Hey guys, any one have any tips for shooting real estate baths and exposures issues when shooting bright led vanity lights mounted close to white tiles ?
Have watched some of the f Stoppers videos on this but still running into trouble. Shooting with Canon 5D Mark IV. EXii speedlight...
I've recently invested in a Canon EOS 50e film camera. I shot through my first roll of (fresh) Kodak Ultramax 400 on aperture priority, not using any exposure compensation, and got them developed and scanned by a third party. I'm disappointed with how my images (see below) have come out. They...
[Warning: I'm a newbie!]
Hi guys. I need to take a lot of product pictures for my blog. I'm using my Canon G5 X (compact) and continuous lighting of 3x 125 W 5500К bulbs in softboxes (which I thought and still believe is enough).
However, the photos are still kinda dull so I want to make them...
I do some product photography and always find trouble with black objects.
If I don't have a good amount of lighting on the subject, it will be dark and I have to raise exposure and various other brightness settings. When I do this, it tends to draw out ugly features like splotchy color patches...
I'm still trying to figure out using my Kodak Colorsnap 35. I'm working my way through the manual however I'm stuck already!
I need to set the exposure value and film speed and I've no idea how to work out what it should be (my options are between 10 and 14).
Ive currently got a Kodak...
I was wondering about the light meter on my camera. From what I had come to understand when I first started shooting in manual, the goal was to get the marker right in the middle for good exposure.
Photos from my camera seem to have a tendency to look quite underexposed when I am in the...
So I definitely understand what each setting is and the matter of counterbalancing them with each other to create a good looking image. But I have learned a large part of my photography from doing lowlight with fairly limited gear. I had always gone straight for lowering my aperture to 2.8 or...
Anyone else have mild issues with the light meter in the D500? With indoor shoots, mostly with low light, I find the meter in the camera to be perfect or close to and the preview on the back looks good. Then when I go to post, I find myself bumping the exposure by a full stop!
Maybe calibrate...
Hey everyone,
Newbie here.
Canon EOS70D
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens
I'm looking to challenge myself - I'll be touring the city of Dallas, taking photos of Bail Bonds' Neon Signs for a possible gallery showing.
I'd like tips and suggestions and how best to capture Neon - your experience...
I'd be super grateful if you have any advice on getting the exposure right IN the camera so that I have less processing to do in Lightroom.
Here are my questions with more info below:
How do I get consistent color and exposure when there are different color products that are affecting the...
Hi All,
I am a photography enthusiast who has been shooting for over 5 years now. I have shot a couple of events and would like to improve on getting the perfect exposure/lighting for distant backgrounds (10 feet or more) in a reception hall. I majorly shoot in manual mode with bounce flash...
Hi photography enthusiasts,
some days ago i transformed my room into a small home studio for taking portrait photos.
During the first photo session i noticed that i had to turn the exposure compensation to a minimum (-5.0 until -4.0) on my nikon D5500. I use 2 studio flashes, the flashes (with...
Hey guys,
So I bought a Canon A1 the other day with a 50mm lense and shot my first few rolls of film at a party and in the city at night. What I find strange my light meter and the exposures that its giving me. So I shot at ISO400 at the party which was indoors with decent lighting, and it...
Hi, im new to film slrs. i know its a bit late in the game, but i recently purchased a Nikon F4 slr.
I couldnt help but notice the depth of field preview button. I started using it in manual mode and soon came to realize that it threw off my exposure meter. I understand the basics of this...
I need help! I feel like over time my ability to make a good exposure on white backgrounds is getting worse rather than better.
I shoot product photography of DIY projects that I design for my blog ( My problem is that the white backgrounds almost always end up reading...
Hey guys, I just started my own photo-narrative blog on Your support would be much appreciated! If you liked my post, feel free to click the enjoy button, it'd mean a lot to me. If you guys are also interested in following my journey on exposure, you can subscribe to my feed through...
Hi everyone, this is the first post of me in this forum
There is no greater mystery to me than that of light traveling through darkness. - Alexander Volkov
Merging 154 photos for 80 minutes long exposure
Long Exposure in Hong Kong
Took with Canon EOS 1D Mark III and Samyang 14mm T3.1 ED AS IF...