Busy Downtown New Braunfels.


TPF Noob!
Dec 15, 2018
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Busy downtown, though it looked like a great place to stand in the middle of the median and take pictures, I think they turned out ok. Click on the jpg, have no idea why it doesn't populate.


Aack! You're taking your life in your hands standing in the street like that. :allteeth:
Aack! You're taking your life in your hands standing in the street like that. :allteeth:
Don't worry there was a small pedestrian walking area, plues it was Saturday and you know how people like to drink.
New Braunsfels... Great beer! Stopped by the waterslide, but it was closed at that time.

Went by on the way to Buda and Austin.

Nice shot.
Hi! I'm in Wimberley! Originally from Dripping and Austin...went to Texas State! Good to see you, neighbor [emoji16]

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Hi! I'm in Wimberley! Originally from Dripping and Austin...went to Texas State! Good to see you, neighbor [emoji16]

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
Same here,I haven't explored the hill country as I should maybe I can get some good shot at Wimberley it's on the list on my to go photograph places.
New Braunsfels... Great beer! Stopped by the waterslide, but it was closed at that time.

Went by on the way to Buda and Austin.

Nice shot.
Great Beer, as well as sights to see you'd be surprised the stuff I still find in my 4+ years of living here.
Well when I went to the Cabela's it trump carded the one in Abq.
Ours is about 1/4 the size of that monster near Buda.

Because I am not native Republic of Texan, I was wholly surprised by all the green when driving into SA.
Well when I went to the Cabela's it trump carded the one in Abq.
Ours is about 1/4 the size of that monster near Buda.

Because I am not native Republic of Texan, I was wholly surprised by all the green when driving into SA.
The only issue with that cabelas it's huge and filled with item's that I don't need the one I do need is buried everything else., best drive for me was driving from NB to Memphis and watching the trees turn from Cedar to Pine.

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